WTF? Crazy Lib Says Dem’s Have ‘A Great Economic Story’, Guess What She Attributes

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I’ve long suspected that liberals don’t understand what a ‘good economy is’ but after this MSNBC segment with Chuck Todd, I now believe they don’t even understand what the word ‘economy’ means. While speaking to Todd, MSNBC clown, Stephanie Ruhle, said that Democrats have ‘a good economic story’ and immediately cited vaccine numbers.

She avoided talking about inflation issues, employment issues caused by lack of workers, or supply chain dilemmas and jumped right to vaccine numbers like the two aren’t Independente matters:

CHUCK TODD: So, bottom line is, this is something that it, this has got to just work itself out, and, you know, the Democrats are the ones in charge so they’re going to pay the price of this sort of short term economic frustration.

STEPHANIE RUHLE: And it’s unfortunate, but the Democrats don’t do a great job of telling their economic story. Yes, this inflation number is not a good one. But they’ve got a great economic story to tell, right? Five million jobs created, 200 million people vaccinated. Those vaccine numbers tie directly to the economy. You couldn’t open the economy without getting America healthy again. We are seeing economic recovery. What the Biden administration isn’t doing is selling that, and they can.

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The only thing I have ever known Democrats to do to an economy is creating short-term relief followed by heavy taxation. Never anything truly sustainable. The party is so predictable that most everyone comments about how gas prices will skyrocket under Biden when he first took office… And here we are.
<p class=”gnt_ar_b_p”><a class=”gnt_ar_b_a” href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener” data-t-l=”:b|e|inline click|${u}”>Gas prices soared</a> to a seven-year high, reaching a nationwide average of $3.42 as of Tuesday, according to data from the American Automobile Association.</p>
<p class=”gnt_ar_b_p”>That’s 16 cents higher than a month ago, or $1.31 more than a year ago, and 80 cents more than in 2019, according to <a href=””>AAA</a></p>
<p class=”gnt_ar_b_p”>And they’ve just started to rise…</p>




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