Temp Press Sec Gets Hammered, Reveals Biden Has No Idea What He’s Doing

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Not that we needed confirmation, but Biden’s totally lost on what to do about the gas prices, and his Dep Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre just explained as much. Jean-Pierre was taking a series of simple questions about Biden’s plan to fix gas prices when the stumbling temporary Press Sec slipped and basically said they don’t know if Biden has a plan.

REPORTER: And on what Secretary Granholm and what she was saying yesterday, what options, besides tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, does the President have to counteract higher gas prices?

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY:  So, you know, we’ve — I’ve talked about this a couple of times.  You know, we have — we don’t have an announcement yet on anything — anything to share at this time.  You know, but we’re monitoring it.  Right?  We’re monitoring the prices and we’re making sure that we have tools in our toolbelts that we can — we can — we can try and use.  But at this time, I don’t have anything new to share.

REPORTER: But just what else are you reviewing?  Because Secretary Granholm has confirmed that is an option that’s on the table, and the President has said there are other tools that you could potentially use.  So, could you just lay out what those other options are that he’s considering?

JEAN-PIERRE:  So I don’t — again, I don’t — I don’t have anything specific here.  The President spoke to this recently.  But he’s also asked the FTC to crack down on illegal pricing.  Right?  That is one thing that he did on gouging in the market.  And the FTC is responding.  But, also, we’re going to continue to monitor the situation and have a number of tools in our arsenal.  As I just mentioned, I don’t have anything specific.


I get that Jean-Pierre is just filling in for Jen Psaki who was recently diagnosed with Covid-19, but this was just pathetic. The Dep Press Sec should be shadowing Psaki and know everything she knows so I don’t think it’s a case of ‘lack of information’. Seems pretty clear that Biden doesn’t have a plan and gas prices are expected to continue to rise.

It certainly doesn’t help that Biden keeps shutting down pipelines. Did he learn nothing from the inflation caused by supply chain issues???





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