WATCH: Russia Collusion Hoax Pusher Gaslights Concerns About WEF Elites: ‘Conspiracy Theories’

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It’s time to call out the chutzpah of the leftist media. Despite the fact that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has put forth some really concerning proposals – from microchipping children to pushing for vaccine mandates – the left-leaning media continues to downplay these issues and cast them off as “conspiracy theories.”

Take Ben Smith, the Editor-in-Chief of Semafor and former editor-in-chief of Buzzfeed News. Smith has made a career out of peddling and pushing the Steele Dossier to the public, only to now poo-poo Elon Musk’s warnings about the dystopian elitism that undergirds the WEF and mockingly call people with well-founded concerns “people who think that the CEOs here are gathering to make you take vaccines and to eat bugs.”

It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a fact. Just take a look at what the WEF itself has been pushing. For instance, in 2019 they published a video on their Facebook page promoting the virtues of bug eating. And in August 2021, their Digital Editor of Strategic Intelligence John Letzing justified vaccine mandates as “measures [to] help keep people safe.”

The same elitist organization has also hosted panels featuring former Vice President Al Gore, who went on an unhinged rant about “boiling the oceans,” “rain bombs” and “climate refugees,” and Brian Stelter, who complained about the need for people to start trusting “established” information sources rather than so-called online “disinformation” spreaders.

The panel’s proposed solution? To amplify those “trustworthy sources” while pre-bunking (i.e. censoring) content deemed to be “disinformation.”

The left is trying to gaslight the people and make them think that their concerns are nothing but conspiracy theories. But the truth is, the WEF and its backers in big business want to control us and our lives.


I wouldn’t call gaslighting very valid concerns ‘progress’. If anything their rhetoric only severs to push the divide and further isolate anyone who doesn’t agree with them.





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