Left’s New Fight, Menstrual Products In Boys’ Bathrooms: ‘Not All Who Menstruate Are Female’

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We’ve all heard about the “woke” movement sweeping the nation, and it’s no surprise that it has filtered into our schools. The latest example comes from Minnesota, where the state legislature is considering a bill that would make menstrual products available in all public and charter school bathrooms, including those for boys.

Rep. Dean Urdahl, a Republican, proposed an amendment to limit the products to bathrooms used by female students.

After all, it makes sense to make them most available to those who would use them. Unfortunately, the amendment failed, due to objections from the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Sandra Feist, a Democratic-Farmer-Labor.

Feist argued that the amendment was impractical and obsolete since many schools are moving towards gender-neutral bathrooms.

She also claimed that not all menstruating students are female and that non-female menstruators face a greater stigma and barrier to asking for these products.

Now, I understand that we should be considerate of everyone’s needs and that we should strive for gender equality. But this is taking it a step too far. It’s just common sense that these products should be most available to those who need them. It would also be far more cost-effective.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the Democrats just don’t understand the implications of their actions. They’re so focused on this “woke” mentality that they’re ignoring basic common sense.

We all want to be considerate and inclusive, but this is taking it too far.

We need to draw the line somewhere, and this is a good place to start. The Democrats’ refusal to pass Rep. Urdahl’s amendment is a good example of why we can’t let the “woke” movement get out of control.

We have to draw the line somewhere. We have to stand up for common sense.




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