MSNBC Swoons Over Insurrection Democrats, Slams GOP And Gun Owners

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The liberal media is at it again, defending insurrectionists in the name of gun control.

MSNBC host Alex Witt recently questioned the proposed expulsion of three Tennessee state legislators who aided in a gun-control protest that saw demonstrators storm the state capitol. Witt asked whether the expulsion could create a “domino effect” with other Republican-led chambers silencing lawmakers who are demanding “legislative gun reform”.

Yes, Witt is asking if silencing legislators is the answer. Democrats in the Tennessee state legislature, like Senator Ryan Yarbro, have called the proposed expulsion “dangerous”, claiming it is “disproportionate”.

Micah Brooks of March for our Lives, a gun control organization, agreed, calling the proposed expulsion “completely horrifying” and “not acceptable”.

It’s clear the liberal media is siding with the insurrectionists and against the Republican-led chambers that are attempting to preserve the peace and order in the state.

Let’s look at the facts. Three state legislators took part in a protest that saw demonstrators storm the state capitol. This occurred just three days after a female shooter identified as transgender killed three children and three adults at Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee.

The legislature accused the state representatives of violating multiple rules of the legislative body. And yet, the liberal media is defending the lawmakers who are siding with the insurrectionists.

The liberal media’s defense of these insurrectionists is dangerous. It’s even more dangerous to think that silencing legislators is the answer to this problem.

The liberal media should not be defending insurrectionists who are trying to use gun control as an excuse to disrupt the peace and order of the state. The Republican-led chambers should be commended for attempting to preserve the peace and order of the state, not demonized.

It’s time for the liberal media to stop defending insurrectionists and start defending the peace and order of the state. Otherwise, it’s only a matter of time before similar protests occur in other states.




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