Whoopi Goldberg Mocks Families Hit By Tornados In The Name Of Climate Change

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This week, Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of ABC’s “The View”, took it upon herself to mock Republicans who have lost everything in the recent spate of devastating tornadoes. Goldberg claimed that she hadn’t heard as many people denying climate change since their houses had been “blown down … for the fourth or the fifth time.”

Whoopi Goldberg: “I’ve noticed in the last, I don’t know, seven months, there hasn’t been much denying of climate change going on.

You haven’t heard them — it used to be, ‘I don’t believe it, it’s never happened, it’s never happened —’ and now they are like, ‘Yeah, I think my house just got blown down … for the fourth or fifth time.’ Because another … you know, there’s been so much evidence saying something is wrong.”

This is just the latest example of Democrats and the liberal media using tragedy and suffering to push their own political agenda.

In the wake of the tornado outbreaks, the liberal media has been quick to politicize the issue of climate change, claiming that if only we had done the right thing, this wouldn’t have happened.

They have also been quick to mock those who have already lost so much, with Whoopi Goldberg’s comments being just one example of many.

I hate to break it to these ladies but this is tornado season. Turning American tragedies into your own personal political talking points has been played out at this point. The people are sick of it.

It’s time for Democrats and the liberal media to stop politicizing tragedy and start showing some respect and compassion for those who have already suffered enough.

Instead of making jokes and pushing their own agenda, they should focus on providing assistance and support to those who have been affected. That’s what real leadership looks like.




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