Fmr White House Doctor Finally Admits Biden Is Not Competent

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On Thursday, the former White House physician for Barack Obama and Donald Trump, Ronny Jackson, questioned the mental stability of Joe Biden after stumbling through his much-anticipated “press conference.” Jackson took to social media to express concerns and got more than a little vocal on his twitter account about the mental status.

Joe Biden mental breakdown

White House doctor turned conservative Texas Representative, Ronny Jackson, is concerned about the mental status of Joe Biden. Between falling up the stairs on Air Force One last week, then appearing to lose his train of thought, more than once during an hour-long and heavily rehearsed pseudo press conference at the White House on Thursday, many in America is wondering the same thing.

“I’ve seen what it takes physically AND mentally to do the job. I can tell you right now that the way Biden is hiding from the public is a MAJOR red flag. Something’s not right!”

The 78-year-old  “struggled” all through the seemingly staged show. Biden appeared to have his script all spelled out for him in a neat book full of soundbites and cues for him to launch a rehearsed subroutine of propaganda programmed by his handlers.

When he would hear one of the trigger phrases from a hand-picked reporter’s softball question, his eyes would go blank.

Trance-like, Biden would gaze glassy-eyed straight into the camera. The way he transformed his appearance in preparation for his act was spooky.

The mental meltdown almost sad. “This ‘Press Brief’ was EMBARRASSING!” Jackson tapped out to Twitter followers. “Not only for Biden, but for the liberal press corps as well. He struggled to make it through.”

Reading prepared answers

Jackson also noticed that “despite the fact that he followed a strict order of reporters to call on and was reading what appeared to be prepared answers from the podium,” he still couldn’t complete a large number of his sentences without getting lost.

At times he seemed like he didn’t know where he even was. If those aren’t signs of a mental breakdown, most Americans don’t know what is.

Kamala Harris is probably at work typing up a rough draft of the 25th Amendment paperwork. If he doesn’t manage to kill himself falling down the steps from Air Force One.

Harris been itching for her promised promotion and she’s got the barn in sight. If that doesn’t do the trick, she can always leak some juicy inside data about Hunter Biden to the press and get him impeached.
It helps when the ‘press’ are your biggest fans! Shameful and Embarrassing!!” Even Chris Wallace is questioning the mental ability of our Biden. He was quoted saying that he’s “never seen” a president that needed to rely on reading directly off of prepared notes to answer questions.”




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