Trump’s Lawyers Explains What They Learned After The Indictment

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Former President Donald Trump was “frustrated” and “upset” following his arraignment, his lawyer said as he spoke to reporters on Tuesday. Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 counts, all felonies, after a Manhattan grand jury voted to indict him Thursday. Suprizes

The grand jury accused Trump of falsifying business records in the first degree, leaving many to wonder what his reaction was. Understandably, Trump was reportedly “disappointed” about the charges against him. However, his lawyer Todd Blanche noted that he was “motivated” and that the indictment wasn’t a surprise.

It’s times like this that make us wonder why Democrats feel the need to weaponize the justice system to target political opponents. What happened to respecting the rule of law? It’s clear to anyone with a sound mind that the charges against Trump are nothing more than an attempt to silence him and his supporters.

It’s true that Trump didn’t always play by the rules, but that doesn’t mean he should be targeted like this. We’re talking about an individual who was the leader of the free world and yet, Democrats seem to think it’s okay to throw the book at him.

The arraignment paints a clear picture of what’s happening here. Trump’s attorney said that Trump was “frustrated,” “upset,” and “disappointed” about the charges against him. However, Blanche also noted that Trump was “motivated” by the charges and that there were no “surprises” in the indictment.

It’s sad to think that this is the world we live in today. It’s a world where Democrats will stoop to any level to push their political agenda, even if it means targeting someone like Trump. We need to stand up against this kind of political weaponization of the justice system. We can’t allow the rule of law to be broken just because it’s politically convenient for Democrats.

This whole thing is such an embarrassment that will inevitable blow up in their faces that major anti-Trumpers (Like Mitt Romney) have slammed DA Briggs for stooping this low.




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