Trump Says ‘No More RINOs’ Announcing a New PAC to Donate to For Conservative GOP Candidates Instead of the Republican Party

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On Monday, former President Donald Trump fired another shot across the bows of the leadership of the Republican Party after it refused to stop using his name and his likeness with fundraising endeavors.  They know that Trump is incredibly popular with the party faithful but with a few exceptions, the majority of them did absolutely NOTHING to help him when an election was being stolen from him right before the party faithful’s eyes.

Fed up with them not listening to him (imagine that) Trump put his foot down and issued a statement to his loyal supporters asking them to stop giving money to the Republican Party and instead send donations to a Political Action Committee that he created.

“No more money for RINOS,” (Republicans in name only) Trump said in a statement that was tweeted out by that bastion of Trump hate, the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman.

“He didn’t start his own party, which is complicated to do and be competitive, but Trump is trying to set himself up as the place where money for Republicans should go as opposed to GOP committees”

“They do nothing but hurt the Republican Party and our great voting base — they will never lead us to Greatness. Send your donation to Save America PAC at,” Trump said.  “We will bring it all back stronger than ever before!”

I received thousands of text messages and emails from Republicans asking for donations throughout the 2020 election cycle.  I donated a lot of my money to Republican candidates, including Mitch McConnell to save the Senate.  But once I saw that the RINOs, including Mitch McConnell, who hated Trump all along yet rode his coattails to victory, abandoned him in his hour of need when the 2020 election was stolen from him right before our eyes and did nothing to help.  In fact, many of the RINOs to this day do more than just nothing, they insult him by joining the radical, thieving Democrats by referring to Trump’s arguments that massive election fraud took place as the Big Lie.  They need to go, and I will never donate another dime to the GOP directly.  I am so glad Trump did this.

The gesture came down after a lawyer for the Republican National Committee(RNC) responded Monday to a cease and desist letter from one of Trump’s attorneys about the fundraising campaign.

Justin Reimer, chief counsel at the RNC, replied that the RNC has “every right to refer to public figures as it engages in core, First Amendment-protected political speech, and it will continue to do so in pursuit of these common goals.”

So the RINOs trashed our president as spreading the Big Lie when he tried to engage in core, First Amendment-protected political speech, but they will hide behind that argument when asked to no longer use Trump’s name and likeness to fundraise.  That is your typical RINO, good only for themselves.  What a bunch of weasels.

Trump’s attorneys had issued similar cease and desist demands to the National Republican Congressional Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

While the issue of using Trump’s likeness and his name to fundraise continues to be battled publicly, Reimer tried to score political points by pointing out that Trump got the RNC to move part of the party’s Palm Beach donor retreat in April to his private club Mar-a-Lago in Florida, referring to the agreement in his response letter that Ronna McDaniel, the RNC chairwoman, had spoken to Trump over the weekend and got his approval for their use of his name and likeness.

Again, that is the epitome of a RINO.  Reimer tried to make it seem like Trump was being a hypocrite by coming out against some Republicans for using his name and likeness while allowing the RNC to move an event to his club.  The whole point is that McDaniel asked for permission and it is well-known that the RINOs in the party, Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Ben Sasse, and others hated the former president even though he governed conservatively put getting done many of the things they claimed to support for years but somehow never got done.

Of course, the Trump haters immediately attacked when they got the news of the new PAC, claiming he was going to steal the money for himself.  What a bunch of morons.  He legally created a political action committee, which is bound by campaign finance laws.  To even suggest that the former president, who donated his presidential salary every year of his presidency, and who clearly doesn’t need the money, would keep the money for himself makes one an imbecile in politics.

“Trump has finally built the Death Star of swindling. #ANewGrift,” said MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, the guy who looks like the kid with the banjo up on the bridge.




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