On Monday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) requested that its staff volunteer to assist in dealing with the “overwhelming” surge of migrants at the US-Mexico border, thanks to President Joe Biden opening up the borders and telling ICE to ignore the law and their oath to stand down as far as deporting and arresting criminal border crossers. The crisis is too much to handle while the Biden administration continues to lie and deny that there even is a crisis. Joe Biden is so addle-brained these days that he may not even realize it. You don’t think the progressives who are running things in the White House pushing all this stuff are gonna tell him, do you?
“Today I activated the Volunteer Force to support Customs and Border Protection (CBP) as they face a surge in migration along the Southwest Border,” DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Monday wrote in an email to staffers.
“You have likely seen the news about the overwhelming numbers of migrants seeking access to this country along the Southwest Border,” Mayorkas said.
Actually, they are not likely to have seen that in the news because the Biden administration is hiding all the of numbers of migrants coming in from the American people. What this administration is doing is as un-American as it gets.
“President Biden and I are committed to ensuring our Nation has a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system while continuing to balance all of the other critical DHS missions.” Yeah, and I’m Mary, Queen of Scots.
According to Fox News, now they have DHS “volunteers” working in a non-law enforcement capacity to carry out jobs like assisting in control rooms, housekeeping, cooking meals, doing prescription and supply runs, and managing the property.
In his email, Mayorkas said that in 2019, under the Trump administration, over 900 volunteers had been deployed to support their CBP colleagues “during a similar migration surge.” But what he’s not telling you is that the current border surge is unlike anything they have ever seen.
“Please consider joining the Volunteer Force to again provide needed humanitarian support along the Southwest Border and relief for our CBP colleagues,” Mayorkas wrote.
“I also realize these are uncertain times and being away from home may be concerning. But today your colleagues need assistance carrying out their mission to help others, and DHS is going to support you while deployed,” he said, adding, “Your health and wellbeing will remain priorities.”
If their health and wellbeing really are priorities then how come the Biden administration is not even considering testing any of the tens of thousands of migrants pouring into our country for COVID-19 while at the same time they tell American citizens that COVID is such a crisis that they still need to be locked down with mask mandates?
Do you get that? unprecedented numbers of migrants surging at our border is not a crisis but COVID, which is waning these days and is not as serious as it once was, is. You’re being gaslighted.
The numbers of illegal border crossings have risen consistently since October with the number of encounters at the southwest border at about 296,250 which was between October 2020 and January 2021. That’s an increase from 164,932 during the previous year, the data coming from the CBP,
The number of illegal crossings at the southern border has steadily risen since October last year. The number of encounters at the southwest border between October 2020 and January 2021 was 296,259, an increase from 164,932 during the year-earlier period, according to data from the CBP, showing a 79.6 percent increase. Thanks, Biden!
Since his inauguration on January 20, President Joe Biden signed a multitude of executive orders that removed the Trump administration’s border security measures.
This is important to understand. The Trump administration had solved the immigration problem as best as it could responsibly be resolved. Thanks to their efforts we had migrants, the majority of who were making phony claims of asylum, waiting in Mexico for their trials, thanks to cut deals Trump cut with the Mexican government. Prior to that deal, the Obama administration released the illegal border into the interior of the United States where zero of the illegal-border-crossers-turned-asylum-seekers-after-getting-caught ever came back for their hearings. The former president also made deals with Central American countries that helped us alleviate border surges as well. With the illegal border crossers held out of our country, jobs and wages rose for American workers. It was working and in a grand way until COVID struck. Biden has taken all of that away and harmed millions of Americans with the stroke of a pen.