Three Thugs Beat and Strangled Police Officer During Routine Traffic Stop Now Face Serious Felony Charges

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Did you ever wonder what would happen to the country after an entire summer of watching Democrat leaders in Democrat-run cities allow people to just run hog wild? Did you ever think that it would get worse across the country? Would it become the norm?

Respect for police was at an all-time low in many Democrat-run cities prior to the death of George Floyd at the hands of Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis but what’s going on now is beyond the pale.

Remember in New York City when Mayor Bill de Blasio and the police commissioner allowed thugs to pour water on police in uniform? That sent a message that the high-up brass in the city government didn’t give a rat’s rear end about their patrolman. We watched people dump buckets of water over cops’ heads right in the streets of New York, in plain view public, and the cops were not allowed to do anything about it. Do you know what kind of morale killer that is? It sends a message to would-be thugs that they can get away with anything, not just dumping water over the police.


After watching how police were treated during the summer of 2020 with defunding the police and in some cases getting rid of police altogether it’s no wonder that people feel they can act like animals and do whatever they want including attacking police officers who are just doing their job to protect the communities they serve.

In Aurora, Illinois on Monday, a police officer was beaten and strangled during a traffic stop at night.

Three suspects were arrested for the assault.

An Aurora police officer stopped a vehicle after the driver blew off a stop sign in a residential area late Monday night. Some people might think that it’s not that big a deal to have to pull someone over for blowing a stop sign. But what about the people who live in the neighborhood who could be crossing the street at night and the driver can’t see them right away and clips them with the car? Police need to stop people who do this and warn them or ticket them so as to send a message that will result in maybe the next time they go down that street they won’t blow through the stop sign and potentially harm someone. You can’t second guess the reason a cop stops you when you know you did something wrong. You can’t say that because nobody was hurt, there was no reason for police to pull you over. But that’s the argument that you get today from thugs who have no respect for the blue.

When Paul Sherrod, the 28-year-old driver, pulled over into a driveway, he allegedly started screaming profanities at the officer from inside the vehicle. That’s when a female passenger allegedly got out of the vehicle and started confronting the cop. The officer repeatedly ordered her to get back in the vehicle and she continually refused. Her belligerence forced the officer to arrest her.

When the officer started going through the arrest procedure, Sherrod got out of the vehicle and threatened the cop, and then fled on foot.

The cop gave chase after Sherrod, and that’s when the two female passengers started chasing after the cop. When the women caught up to the officer, they allegedly started attacking him. Their obstruction allowed Sherrod to come back and join in with the women attacking the officer.

Reportedly, the two women started “striking the officer with closed fists and kicking his body and head,” and later held the officer in a position that allowed Sherrod to strike him in the head. Animals!

Police put out a press release that pointed out that one of the females “placed her forearm around the officer’s neck and applied significant force to his windpipe, causing him to lose the ability to breathe.” So it’s okay to do that to a cop, right?

The suspect was still strangling the officer when backup showed up and the three were quickly arrested.

The female suspects were identified as 24-year-old Jennifer Taylor and 26-year-old Sheba Taylor.

The trio are facing five felony charges with one of them being aggravated assault of a peace officer which will probably give them prison time if convicted. All three were booked into the Kane County Jail and were made to appear at a bond call on Tuesday. TGhe two females arebeing held on a $50,000 bond and Sherrod on a $75,000 bond.

The officer was rushed to a nearby hospital to be treated and is expected to make a full recovery from the attack.

Aurora Police Chief Kristen Ziman said in a statement, “Our Aurora police officers are entrusted with keeping our community safe from harm. I am at a loss of words when an officer is physically attacked from something that would have been a simple traffic ticket. We will not allow our city to become a place where criminals feel emboldened, and lawlessness ensues.”

Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin added, “This type of lawlessness and violence against our police officers cannot and will not be tolerated. This was an act of malice and cowardice and I will absolutely seek that the perpetrators are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Let’s keep this officer in our prayers as the officer makes a full and complete recovery.”





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