Schiff Faces $16 Million In Fines For Lying About The Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax

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Conservative Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) has taken decisive action to hold “Shifty” Adam Schiff (D-CA) accountable for his lies about the Trump-Russia hoax.

The resolution she has introduced would fine Schiff $16 million for “egregious abuse of trust” over his efforts to peddle false Russia claims which cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and abused the trust placed in him as Chairman.

Schiff was all over the corporate media television networks, claiming he had proof that President Donald Trump was in bed with Russia — only to find out it was a complete lie created by Democrats, starting with Hillary Clinton, and pushed by Schiff himself at the expense of our nation’s citizens.

This led Luna to take action and introduce her resolution as a way of making sure justice is served for all those affected by this lie.

When confronted with Luna’s resolution, Schiff attempted to brush it off, declaring that “it will not work” and that he “will not back down” — but he could not have been more wrong.

In response, Luna pointed out that there is no way any Republican will vote against censuring him when America deserves an apology from him for the damage he caused due to his lies.

Luna then took it one step further and filed a privileged resolution to officially censure Schiff and fine him $16 million — half of what the Russian investigation cost taxpayers — as punishment for his egregious actions against our country.

She also issued a statement saying: “Adam Schiff lied to the American people [and] used his position on House Intelligence…to divide our country.”

Clearly, she believes no amount of money can truly make up for this intentional deception on such an international scale; however, holding Schiff accountable financially is necessary so similar incidents cannot happen again in future elections or political conversations without proper consequences in place.

In addition to introducing her resolution regarding Adam Schiff’s untruthful statements about Trump’s alleged involvement with Russia during election interference, Rep Luna has also made another motion: one calling for removal from Congress entirely due to dishonorable conduct on behalf of Mr. Schiff.

She is adamant about this issue and wants justice served in order to set an example going forward, an example wherein politicians are held accountable for their words regardless of party affiliation or personal agenda.

Luna is bravely standing up against criminal acts perpetrated by Schiff who may attempt similar stunts in future election cycles and hopefully her firm stance encourages other Republicans and shuts this clown down for good.




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