Republicans Were Right: 15 Million ‘Missing’ 2020 Ballots According to Report

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We’re not supposed to talk about it, but we all know there were shenanigans going during the 2020 presidential election. No one will ever convince me that 81 million Americans voted for Joe Biden. The election was not fair at all, and the Democrats have decades-long county workers who knew just how to rig the election against the bad orange man, and Democrats with authority in states exploited the COVID pandemic. Between the two, they pulled it off.

The insufferable thing is when we still hear Democrats and their boot-licking allies in the mainstream news media and tech tyrants of social media say there was “no evidence” of election fraud even though there’re mountains of evidence of election fraud, but they just ignore it. It’s like walking up to Jim Acosta, punching him in the face, and everyone who saw it says there’s no evidence Abilio got a fistful of anger. I don’t condone that kind of violence on a despicable cretin like Acosta. I was merely using him as an example of the kind of reporting he does.

Judges and secretaries of state are not empowered to change election laws on their own. The Constitution gives sole authority over election laws to state legislatures.

In Pennsylvania, one of the key battleground states, the PA Supreme Court changed election law by extending the deadline to receive mail-in ballots by three days. They didn’t have the authority to do that, but they did it anyway and we’re not supposed to talk about it.

Then PA Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar changed election law by extending the deadline for those who voted by provisional ballot to come back and prove who they were by three days. She didn’t have the authority to do that, but she did, and we’re not supposed to talk about it.

The same sort of irregularities were done in Michigan and other states. In Georgia, a Republican secretary of state’s office cut a deal to change election law with the Democrat radical Stacey Abrams by changing how ballot signatures would be verified. Brad Raffensperger didn’t have the authority to do that, but he did, and we’re not supposed to talk about it.

The interesting thing about these three states, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia is that all three have Republican-controlled legislatures and the election laws they passed were changed by people who did not have the authority to do so, and we’re not supposed to talk about it.

And all the changes made by people who didn’t have the authority were done to help the Democrats.

The Democrats used their allies in the courts to run out the clock and here we are with a feckless brain dead president who has done more to harm our country in 7 months than the Chinese or the Russians could do in a decade, and you guessed it, we’re not supposed to talk about it.

And there is so much more I could mention that went on in Wisconsin and Arizona and other states that I’m not supposed to talk about, so is it any wonder that the Daily Signal just reported that we have about 15 million votes that are not accounted for?

From the Daily Signal

Almost 15 million mail-in ballots were unaccounted for in the 2020 presidential election, and more than a million more ballots were undeliverable, according to a new study.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, a conservative watchdog group on election integrity, released a research brief Wednesday assessing the effect of mass mail-in balloting in an election with a close presidential race in key battleground states such as Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

“These figures detail how the 2020 push to mail voting needs to be a one-year experiment,” J. Christian Adams, president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, said in a public statement.

The report found that 1.1 million mail-in ballots were undeliverable for various reasons. Election officials rejected another 560,814 mail-in ballots.

Another 14.7 million mailed ballots met an “unknown” fate, the report says.

Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in the presidential race with an Electoral College victory of 306 to 232 after winning Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin by 0.6 percentage points or less.

A Washington Post analysis in February found that flipping fewer than 43,000 votes across those three states could have changed the election outcome. In the nationwide popular vote, Biden received 81,268,924 votes to Trump’s 74,216,154—a margin of 7,052,770 votes.

Here’s something that should burn your bagel. That WaPo analysis showed that not only were we less than 100,000 votes away from a solid Republican government with a second Trump term, but the GOP was just 32,000 votes short of taking back the House from Nancy Pelosi and only 14,000 votes from keeping a majority in the US Senate.

Doesn’t it anger the hell out of you to hear we have 15 million votes that are “missing” when the balance of power rested on such a small number of votes? I think it’s high time we all started talking about it.




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