Private Plane Crashes on Florida Highway Killing Two Pilots, Three Passengers Escape

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Dramatic, widely-shared images depict the heart-wrenching scene as a private jet crashed onto a bustling Florida highway.

Sadly, the two pilots lost their lives in the tragic incident.

Amidst the burning wreckage, a flight attendant and two passengers miraculously managed to escape.

New York Post reported:

“The Bombardier Challenger 600, carrying five people, lost its two engines and crashed onto Interstate 75 around 3:15 p.m. Friday while trying to land at the nearby Naples airport.

Dashcam video shows it descending rapidly over the highway as cars continue driving in the same direction — before it suddenly crashes and erupts in a ball of flames.”

“’I was wondering, What is that?’ Miami trucker Alfonso del Nodal told […] of his dashcam footage. ‘Then I realized it was a plane coming down, and then in a matter of seconds, it crashed. […] An explosion came and first thing that came to my mind was 9/11’, he told the outlet. ‘Then we heard, ‘Bam! Bam!’ and I saw three people get out’.”

Another video shows three people getting out of the wreck.

“’Yes! Our pilots! Our pilots!’ a woman is heard shouting back in the footage. When asked if the pilots were alive, the frantic woman replied: ‘I don’t know. I don’t know much else’.”

Capt. Edward Daniel Murphy and co-pilot Frederick Hoffman, employees of Hop-A-Jet Worldwide Charter based in Fort Lauderdale, tragically lost their lives in the crash.

However, flight attendant Sydney Ann Bosmans, along with passengers Aaron Baker and Audra Green, were caught on video managing to escape from the burning wreckage.

Murphy told an airport controller about losing the engines:

“’Hop-A-Jet 823, lost both engines, emergency’, he said. ‘I’m making an emergency landing. We’re clear to land but we’re not going to make the runway. We’ve lost both engines’.”

According to witnesses, the plane’s wing made contact with a car, pulling it along before crashing into a wall adjacent to the highway.

Prayers for all that were involved.

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