MSNBC Wack Job Blames Inflation On ‘B****ing and Moaning’ Consumers

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So the left finally understands that voters are concerned about the economy and inflation. Rather than address the issues, like liberal spending, the wack jobs on MSNBC blame consumers for inflation. Stephanie Ruhle, Chris Hayes, and David Jolly were discussing their new-found knowledge about what concerns voters when Ruhle accused consumers of “bitching and moaning” about inflation while causing the issue.

Jolly was just about to discuss how the student loan forgiveness program is going to cause inflation to grow when Ruhle interrupted him, “Okay, hold on, wait, wait, wait. Can we just say before we get to that, there’s a dirty little secret that people don’t like to talk about?”

That’s when Ruhle snapped at consumers, “When you talk about the economy being so bad, or inflation being so bad, just stay with me. We have two economies in this country. For people who are economically vulnerable before COVID, things are even worse now. But for people who have white collar jobs, yes purchasing power is harder, it has become more difficult.”

She continued, “However, one of the things that keeps prices so high is our willingness to pay those high prices. Consumer demand is still really strong and I’m not just talking about buying bacon and eggs and gas. I’m talking about travel, leisure—”

She concluded that people keep spending and that’s why we have higher prices, “We’re bitching and moaning that we don’t like that hamburgers cost $25 but we’re still lining up to go to those restaurants.

Inflation 101 says that historically inflation is only caused by one thing—Too much money flooding the market. Like the printed dough Biden has pumped out to support the costly liberal agenda.

Personally, I don’t know anyone taking cruises, but the notion that things cost this much because people are willing to pay seems ignorant to me. I wish they could have a small restaurant owner on there to argue about how much he’s spending on the ground beef that made the burger Ruhle is complaining about.



RUHLE: Okay, hold on, wait, wait, wait. Can we just say before we get to that, there’s a dirty little secret that people don’t like to talk about?

HAYES: Please.

RUHLE: When you talk about the economy being so bad, or inflation being so bad, just stay with me. We have two economies in this country. For people who are economically vulnerable before COVID, things are even worse now. But for people who have white collar jobs, yes purchasing power is harder, it has become more difficult.

However, one of the things that keeps prices so high is our willingness to pay those high prices. Consumer demand is still really strong and I’m not just talking about buying bacon and eggs and gas. I’m talking about travel, leisure—

HAYES: Yeah.

RUHLE: — Going out to restaurants. We’re bitching and moaning that we don’t like that hamburgers cost $25 but we’re still lining up to go to those restaurants.

HAYES: Yeah.

RUHLE: So consumers who are yelling about inflation, and I get it, it’s bad, we have to take a hard look at ourselves. We’re contributing to it.




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