Another Dem Calls For ‘Urgent Assistance’ Dealing With The Migrant Crisis

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Several Democratic-run cities and states have called for help dealing with Biden’s migrant crisis including California, D.C, New York, Chicago, and now Massachusetts. Oh, but the White House says that the borders are secure, right? No ‘crisis’ to see here…

The Boston Globe shared the details:

“Governor Charlie Baker implored President Biden to provide “urgent assistance” to help resettle thousands of migrants who have streamed into Massachusetts in recent months, asking for increased housing and employment benefits, as well as funding for local nonprofits helping them.

The governor’s request, made Monday, comes at a time when the state’s homeless shelters are so overwhelmed by the influx of migrants — most entering the country at the US-Mexico border — that the Baker administration has resorted to placing approximately 100 families, many from Central America and Haiti, in hotels.

In an interview on GBH radio last week, Baker called the scale of immigration at the southern border a “crisis.” “The numbers are staggering,” he said, “and they are going to affect lots of states, including ours.”

Why are Democrats so surprised? A piece by National Review revealed that they’re not. They’re just all to terrified to speak up. No one on the left wants to speak out against the dismantling of Trump-era border protections.

NR editor Rich Lawry wrote that “the crux of the matter is that the Biden administration dismantled or downgraded every policy that had established control over the Southern border under his predecessor and is directly responsible for the record number of illegal immigrants flooding into the country. If the influx wasn’t so large, there’d be fewer migrants to sign up for the bus trips north and east to blue cities sponsored by Texas and Arizona.”

He continued, “Everyone should agree that it’d be much better if Biden reversed field and sought to control the border. Texas and Arizona would no longer be getting inundated, and therefore would have less incentive to send the migrants further inland. If that were the case, places like Washington, D.C., and New York City wouldn’t be receiving thousands of new migrants and wouldn’t have to declare emergencies and request the National Guard to help cope.”

Lawry also made an interesting point that I think most people overlook. While the media says that states like AZ, and TX are treating migrants like pawns by shipping them inland to relieve their own overwhelmed systems, the reality is these cities are swamped because they were already being moved around by the US government.

This is just another disaster looming over democrats this midterms and none of them have the backbone to address it.




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