Megyn Kelly: ‘Terrible Move’ By Fox But ‘It’s A Great Thing For Tucker’

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It seems Fox News has made an incredibly short-sighted and ill-informed decision to get rid of one of its most successful hosts, Tucker Carlson. Megyn Kelly, who has been a longtime critic of the network’s decisions, calls it a “terrible move” on the part of Fox.

In a Sirius XM podcast, Kelly said that Carlson’s departure was never part of the network’s recent $800 million settlement with Dominion Voting Systems. She believes that Fox News had gone into a “panic” due to the backlash they received from their audience when they called Arizona too soon.

“This is a terrible move by Fox and it’s a great thing for Tucker Carlson,” the host said. “I don’t know what drove Fox News to make this decision and it was clearly Fox News’ decision because they are not letting him say goodbye. That’s my supposition.”

Kelly said Fox News’ settlement with Dominion happened because “they called Arizona too soon … they were under pressure by their audience to reverse the call. The audience started to leave them in droves because they felt betrayed like they didn’t understand the mission of Fox News, which is to be fair to especially the Republicans who don’t get a fair shake on other channels.”

“And they [Fox] went into a panic as the audience started to flee,” she added. “Then they overcorrected. By covering the bulls*** claims about Dominion as though they were plausible and gave way too much credence to some of those claims on the air.”


It’s clear that Fox News’ decision to get rid of Carlson was done out of fear and not based on merit. Carlson was one of the few people speaking out against the baseless accusations of fraud and Fox News was too scared to listen.

This further highlights the liberal bias and fear of criticism at Fox News. It’s clear that Fox News is afraid of anyone who dares to challenge the dominant liberal narrative – even one of its own hosts.

Fox News’ decision to get rid of Tucker Carlson should be a wake-up call for all conservatives. It’s clear that Fox News is no longer a network that holds conservative values. It’s time for conservatives to look elsewhere for news outlets that will stand up for their values and not be afraid to challenge the status quo.




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