Farah Griffin Complains About ‘Toxic Femininity’ On The View

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What did former White House staffer and token conservative on ‘The View’ Alyssa Farah Griffin expect? The show moved to discuss “toxic femininity’ in the workplace and Griffin complained about how her liberal co-hosts treat her—The most toxic group of females on daytime television.

My first thought was, ‘too bad sister. You knew what they were before you took this job’.

The segment unravels with host Whoopi Goldberg sarcastically chiding, ” Apparently, the term “toxic masculinity” comes up a lot these days, but women took to Reddit to talk about when they’ve faced “toxic femininity” from other women by being told to act like a lady or getting bullied by other moms. Is this something you are aware of? ”

Farah Griffin jumped into the conversation in an attempt to make her point saying, “No. I think it is real though. We’ve come a long way in kind of critiquing some of the male practices that are not helpful and that needed to be called out. And I think that women have made a ton of progress, but we can also be each other’s worst enemies.

It’s still the case, and I hate to say it. Some of the worst bosses I’ve had have been women, and sometimes colleagues in the workplace who were women. And I always think of the Madeleine Albright quote –”

Co-host Ana Navarro cut in to slam the token conservative mocking her time with Kellyanne Conway.

Farah Griffin fired back, talking about her treatment on the show, “I mean – Well, I can’t really get a word in without you attacking me so I wouldn’t say this is a totally different — this isn’t like a totally different environment of women supporting each other.”

She continued, “But Madeleine Albright always said, “There’s a special place in Hell for women who don’t help and support other women.” And it’s something I try to live by. I think that we have a duty to try to give that back, especially for the women who come after us.”

I almost felt bad for her but then she moved on to brown-nose Whoopi and I then remember what a tool of the left she has become.



WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Apparently, the term “toxic masculinity” comes up a lot these days, but women took to Reddit to talk about when they’ve faced “toxic femininity” from other women by being told to act like a lady or getting bullied by other moms. Is this something you are aware of? [Sarcastic tone]


ANA NAVARRO: Wait. Before we begin, let me tell you something. I think we have a legal note from the werewolves.


ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: No. I think it is real though. We’ve come a long way in kind of critiquing some of the male practices that are not helpful and that needed to be called out. And I think that women have made a ton of progress, but we can also be each other’s worst enemies.

It’s still the case, and I hate to say it. Some of the worst bosses I’ve had had been women, and sometimes colleagues in the workplace who were women. And I always think of the Madeleine Albright quote –

NAVARRO: That’s what happens when you work with Kellyanne Conway.

[Audience reaction]

FARAH GRIFFIN: I mean – Well, I can’t really get a word in without you attacking me so I wouldn’t say this is a totally different — this isn’t like a totally different environment of women supporting each other.

But Madeleine Albright always said, “There’s a special place in Hell for women who don’t help and support other women.” And it’s something I try to live by. I think that we have a duty to try to give that back especially for the women who come after us.


11:25:57 a.m. Eastern

FARAH GRIFFIN: And I have to say – I have to give Whoopi credit. You’ve been just like so supportive of all the women on this show because you’ve accomplished so much, and we’re all coming up under you, and just looking up to you.

I think – I’m glad you said that. Women support women more than they don’t, but I think it’s worth acknowledging when we are hard on each other.


JUJU CHNAG: Yeah, I think that’s right. Just to be real about it. For real.




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