CNN’s Jake Tapper Slams Ungodly ‘Cruelty’ of GOP For Opposing Gender Surgery On Children

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On Tuesday’s The Lead show, CNN host Jake Tapper promoted the idea of transgender surgery for underage teens while attacking Republicans who oppose it.

He gave a sympathetic platform to teen transgender activist Eve Debitt and her father Michael Debitt, with no serious consideration of the view that such surgery causes irreversible harm through amputation.

Tapper began the segment by playing a clip of the teenager giving testimony claiming that such surgery would be “my final step into the body that I should have been born into.” The teen also employed the trope that if teens don’t get what they want, they’ll kill themselves:

“So, Eve, one of the arguments you hear from opponents of body-altering treatments is that they should wait until you are an adult — 18. Why are they wrong?” asked Tapper. To which Debitt replied: “Well, because you can’t wait until you’re an adult because you — for the vast majority of trans kids — they won’t be adults without this treatment. I wouldn’t be — I wouldn’t have made it past, like, 14 if I didn’t have that treatment…Because you would take your own life? Is what you mean?”

In his follow-ups to Debitt’s answer, Tapper attempted to undermine conservatives in his questions by hinting at their hypocrisy in supporting parental rights and freedom whilst pushing for a ban on teenage gender transitioning surgery:

“A lot of people who testified pointed out the conflict between the bill and Republican lawmakers’ statements on other matters on support for parental rights and freedom…” he said.

And then came Tapper’s attack on conservative values as being supposedly against any religious faith:

“When it comes to the cruelty that we see in this debate so often –the meanness about some of the most vulnerable people in our society. It’s really just remarkable and not how any faith teaches us to behave,” he said.

Finally Tapper concluded by fondly musing over an anecdote involving former President George W Bush:

“I just remember hearing this story about George W Bush when he was President – and he had a transgender classmate -you’ve probably heard it…And then President Bush – not known for being a huge supporter of LGBTQ rights at the time – said ‘Now, you’re you.’ I thought that was a special story.”


The biased media coverage from Jake Tapper only serves its liberal agenda by painting conservative beliefs as somehow wrong or ungodly which is completely untrue.

The logic here. The left wants to promote eugenics to ‘weed out’ children with special needs by killing them in the womb while promoting surgical mutilation on kids who cannot possibly understand the long-term effects yet.




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