CBS Seems Obsessed With Bernie Sanders’ Latest Radical Views

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As the Biden administration continues to move further to the left, it seems like the mainstream media is all too happy to follow suit. In a recent interview on CBS Mornings, Senator Bernie Sanders was given yet another platform to promote his socialist agenda.

Promoting his book, It’s Okay to Be Angry About Capitalism, Sanders was treated to a fawning interview from the CBS hosts, who asked him softball questions and praised his every word. Meanwhile, Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican, was subjected to intense scrutiny when he appeared on the same show to promote his book.

The double standard is all too apparent, and it speaks to the wider problem with the mainstream media. They are all too willing to promote the far-left agenda, while anyone who dares to disagree with them is subjected to a barrage of hostile questions and accusations.

The fact that Sanders is promoting socialism is bad enough, but the fact that he is doing so on national television with the support of the media is truly alarming. Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried, yet the left continues to push this costly and failed ideology as a solution to our problems.

We need to embrace Republican policies that promote economic growth and individual liberty. We need policies that will create jobs, reduce taxes, and encourage entrepreneurship. We need to get government out of the way and let the free market work its magic.

We cannot afford to continue down the path of socialism, which will only lead to higher taxes, lower growth, and less individual freedom. It’s time to reject the failed policies of the left and embrace a new direction for America, one that is based on the principles of freedom and prosperity.


So let’s stand up for Republican policies that will help create a better future for all Americans. Let’s reject the costly socialism of the left and embrace the principles that have made America great. We can build a brighter future for all Americans, but it will take hard work, dedication, and a commitment to our shared values.




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