Biden’s Speech Telling Americans They ‘Might’ Be Allowed to Gather On Independence Day Doesn’t Go Over Well For Many

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President Joe Biden delivered a speech where he outlined his plan to “get back to normal” on the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 lockdowns. In his first prime-time speech, Biden who walked down that never-ending hallway looking more like he was an old drunk searching for a bathroom than the president of the United States, teased that Americans might be allowed to gather in “small groups” by the Fourth of July.  Gee, thanks, Uncle Joe!

Folks, this was a very serious moment that should not be overlooked or taken lightly.  Liberals think old Joe was giving hope, but he was setting up the scene for never-ending lockdowns.  He was telling the American people that they will need permission from the federal government if they want to gather with family and/or friends on the Fourth of July, otherwise known as Independence Day.  Many people ripped him for his words.

“I need every American to do their part, and that’s not hyperbole,” Biden said during his televised speech. “I need you to get vaccinated when it’s your turn and when you can find an opportunity, and to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well.”

What happens to some people if they don’t want to get vaccinated for religious, or medical, or even political reasons?  It’s still America, right?  Wrong.

“If we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the Fourth, there’s a good chance,” Biden said, “you, your families and friends will be able to get together in your back yard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day. That doesn’t mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together.”

Did you hear that?  There’s a good chance you can celebrate your freedom on Independence Day.

“July Fourth with your loved ones is the goal, but a goal, a lot can happen,” Biden forewarned. “Conditions can change. The scientists have made clear that things may get worse again as new variants of the virus spread. We’ve got work to do to ensure that everyone has confidence in the safety and effectiveness of all three vaccines.”


That’s just it.  The science does not make it clear.  He’s making it up, just like how he made up most of his speech where he tried to cancel former President Donald Trump by trashing him with lies about how Trump handled the pandemic and Biden took credit for the vaccines.

The official Twitter account for the POTUS wrote, “If we all do our part, then by July 4th, there’s a good chance folks will be able to gather with family and close friends to celebrate Independence Day.”

Did you ever think you would live to see the day that an American president would say something like that?

The White House COVID-19 Response Team added, “By May 1st, every adult in this country will be eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine but we all have to do our part: Get your shot and help the people you know get theirs, and by July 4th, the President says we may be able to get together with loved ones to celebrate Independence Day.”

Are you paying attention?  They said by May 1st you will be “eligible” for a vaccine.

The contention that Americans might be allowed to gather on Independence Day, the irony escapes this White House, was mocked on Twitter by many users.

Republican Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) declared, “If you’re waiting for permission from the chief executive to celebrate Independence Day with your family, you clearly don’t grasp the concept of Independence.”

Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) offered, “Here’s an idea, Mr. President: Freedom.”

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) asked the question, “If every willing person in America is vaccinated for #COVID19 by May, as POTUS has said, why put our lives on hold till July the 4th?”

Greg Kelly host of Newsmax’s “Greg Kelly Reports” pointed something out that no Biden supporter probably even knows.

“Did BIDEN mention TRUMP? The one who made the vaccine possible ? I missed that part of the “speech”——did he? #Biden

Actress, filmmaker and New York Times bestselling author Alana Stewart summed it up well.

“Biden’s speech was anything but hopeful and uplifting. #Bidenspeech #COVID19″

Dave Rubin, host of “The Rubin Report,” gave some great advice:

“A year ago it was two weeks to flatten the curve. Now it’s four months from today if you behave small groups will be able to get together to celebrate July 4th.

Stop listening to these maniacs. Go lives your lives, folks.”

Former OANN host Liz Wheeler tweeted two messages that ,

“Biden apparently doesn’t understand what Independence Day means.”

“The irony of a politician telling us who were are allowed to hang out with on Independence Day is, I’m sure, lost on all liberals.”

Freshman Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) already making a name for herself as a staunch defender of the Second Amendment but more importantly, common sense chimed in as well.

“King George III: Take their arms and tax them!

Patrick Henry: Over my dead body!


Joe Biden: You might be able to celebrate Independence Day.

Liberals in 2021: Thank you Dear Leader.


Where did we go wrong?”




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