Biden Admin Called Out For Afghanistan Disaster Coverup

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We all know that the Biden administration has had a disastrous policy in Afghanistan. We are now learning, however, that it may have been even worse than we thought.

Former American diplomat Thomas Boyatt accused the Biden administration of engaging in a coverup of its Afghanistan disaster.

Boyatt, a former Ambassador to Burkina Faso and Colombia, was speaking out after Republican Texas Rep. Michael McCaul asked the Biden State Department for a dissent cable from American embassy staff in Afghanistan expressing disagreement with the administration’s Afghanistan policy around the withdrawal process.

The State Department has refused to turn over the cable, claiming that making it public could have a “chilling effect” on department employees.

But Boyatt said this was “bullsh*t”. In a statement to the committee, he said that Congressional oversight enables the executive branch to learn from its mistakes. He also said that any claim from the State Department that making the cable public would have a “chilling effect” was false.

It’s clear that the Biden administration is trying to cover up its disastrous policy in Afghanistan. The consequences have been devastating. Thousands of American soldiers have died, and millions of Afghan people have been left in ruins.

It’s time for the Biden administration to come clean about what happened in Afghanistan. The American people have a right to know the truth. And the only way to get to the truth is for the State Department to release the dissent cable.

We can’t let the Biden administration get away with a cover-up. We must demand transparency and accountability. Lawmakers must demand that the State Department release the dissent cable, and any other documents related to the Afghanistan withdrawal. We must make sure that those responsible for this disaster are held accountable.

It’s time for the Biden administration to end its cover-up and finally tell the truth about what happened in Afghanistan. We can’t let the deaths of thousands of American soldiers and the suffering of millions of Afghans be swept under the rug. We must demand that the Biden administration release the dissent cable and any other relevant documents, and that it is held accountable for its mistakes.




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