US Politics Gov Abbott Is Fed Up With Taking The Heat: ‘This Is Biden’s Fault, Pure And Simple’ Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is fed up with taking the heat for what is essentially Biden’s mess. Biden destabilized border security and then ignored... Dominick IzzoSeptember 13, 2022
General News Biden’s FBI Storms MAGA Supporter’s Home A New Jersey woman gave a terrifying account of when she says Joe Biden’s FBI stormed her home after receiving an anonymous tip that... Erica CarlinSeptember 13, 2022
General News Liberal Show Hosts Desperate: We Need To ‘Pack The Court’ Here we go again with liberals calling for Democrats to ‘pack the court’ and add more liberal Justices to the Supreme Court’s roster. While... Erica CarlinSeptember 13, 2022
Opinion TUCKER: Biden Wants A One-Party State, And He’s Using Law Enforcement To Make It Happen Fox News host Tucker Carlson postulated that President Joe Biden is in favor of turning the US into a one-party state, and is weaponizing... Erica CarlinSeptember 13, 2022