General News Has Been Comedian Eddie Griffin Pleads With Audience For Someone To Assassinate Donald Trump Where is the line between ‘comedy’ and ‘inciting violence’… and has this guy crossed it? American PatriotFebruary 15, 2017
General News Horror As ISIS Kills 250 Christian Children By Kneading Them To Death In Bread Machine They need to be eradicated not from the US, but from Earth altogether. Anyone who still thinks Islam is the 'religion of peace' ought... American PatriotFebruary 15, 2017
General News Trump’s Nat’l Security Adviser Gen. Flynn Resigns After Confirming He Gave White House ‘Incomplete’ Info Flynn he has more integrity than the entire Obama administration put together. American PatriotFebruary 15, 2017
General News Muslim Convert Lindsay Lohan Just Visited ISIS Leader To Secretly Plot Against Trump, Backfires BIG Time! That would make her a traitor. Revoke her citizenship and do not allow her to return. American PatriotFebruary 15, 2017