I really don’t understand the left’s agenda. Whether you’re a conservative or moderate, the core values are pretty much the same but the left can’t seem to pull their heads out of their rears long enough to draw a single consistent message. Look at immigration and vaccinations. The left wants to force vaccine mandates, but not on immigrants?
Well, let me introduce you to the one exception:
Diogo Braganca is a Portuguese PhD candidate at Stanford who now faces deportation because he refused to take the booster. Braganca received the first two vaccines, but the powers that be want him to continue to vaccinate or face deportation. Maybe the problem is that Braganca isn’t illegal? He has too much to offer the country? I’m just guessing, but we all know I’m probably right. Democrats don’t want free-thinking bright-minded folks out of the streets.
Braganca discussed his dream of coming to America to study physics on “America’s Newsroom” on Monday, and how the university’s vaccine booster policy may compromise his ability to complete his degree.
“It was my dream to come to America to study,” Braganca told co-host Bill Hemmer. “Such great opportunities, and it’s really heartbreaking that they are making me do this… If I was alone, ifI didn’t have a family, I would maybe take the booster just to continue my program because it’s such an important thing for me to study physics.”
“However, now I have a wife and the kids, and I know that there’s a risk to get myocarditis, especially for men exactly in my age range,” he continued. “So to me, the risk calculation was clear I will not put my family at risk.”
The booster mandate only applies to students, not staff or faculty, and remains in effect even if a student is completing their degree online according to Braganca.
The university is placing an “enrollment hold” on any student who does not receive the booster by the deadline, and this hold will affect Braganca’s ability, and other international students’ ability, to stay in the United States.
“Stanford put this enrollment hold on anyone who is not boosted even if they are fully vaccinated and even if they got natural immunity,” Braganca said. “So in my case, I got the mild case of COVID in back in January, and for them, that counts like nothing.
“That means that in my case that if I cannot enroll, my visa gets canceled, and I have to go back to Portugal along with my, my wife and my kids who are dependents,” he continued.
So that brings me back to Democrats’ confusing messaging surrounding immunizations and illegals. When border states raised alarms of surging COVID cases in the face of mass illegal migration, they scoffed but then booted season soldiers from the military for refusing to take the shot? What are they playing at? Someone, please, make it make sense…