Brad Raffensperger Misled President Trump In Phone Call When He Said There Was No Fraud in 2020 Election

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In late December 2020, President Trump called Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to inquire about some items uncovered by his auditor.

Evidence had surfaced that led Raffensperger to believe the election was uncertifiable.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger’s office recorded the telephone call with President Trump and then provided false information regarding its contents when they disclosed it to the Washington Post.

Subsequently, the original call recording was discovered deleted on an official’s computer.

Jordan Fuchs, a Deputy Secretary of State in Georgia, provided the Washington Post with a fraudulent transcript of President Trump’s call to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

This was reportedly done to discredit the President before his impeachment trial in the US Senate. David Shafer, Chairman of the Republican Party in Georgia, later revealed that Raffensperger and Fuchs had lied about Trump demanding they “find the fraud”.

This was followed by the deletion of audio evidence from the call, which was later discovered in the laptop’s “trash” folder.

Additionally, Catherine Engelbrecht’s organization True The Vote published their report titled “The Aftermath” last August on their broader work related to Georgia’s 2020 presidential election.

These events illustrate how far opponents were willing to go to undermine President Trump leading up to his trial in January.

On August 21, 2023, the Aftermath report was published which detailed the effects of inaccurate voter rolls on the 2020 Georgia presidential election.

Marc Elias, a Democrat strategist, responded to this report by filing legal action against True the Vote for attempting to clean up these registration errors.

The Department of Justice under President Biden joined in support of this lawsuit. Brad Raffensperger falsely reported to President Trump that there were no discrepancies in the 2020 Georgia election during their infamous phone call.

This was later verified by Catherine Engelbrecht’s affidavit concerning her December meeting with Raffensperger. It was revealed that there were 67,284 votes counted despite being ineligible due to relocation changes.

However, when confronted by Trump on January 2nd, Raffensperger denied any issues existed with the voter registrations — an untruthful claim he had knowledge of prior.

From Catherine’s affidavit:

On that call, President Trump asked about inaccurate voter records. Both Secretary Raffensperger and General Counsel Ryan Germany stated that they had fully evaluated the various claims of election irregularities and said without qualification there was no evidence to support them, including no problems with the voting records. This statement was knowingly false. Both men were well-aware of that falsity at the time.

Catherine and True the Vote released an affidavit attesting to the fact that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger misrepresented information in a phone call with President Trump on January 2, 2021.

According to the Aftermath Report from True the Vote, there were numerous ineligible votes cast in the 2020 election.

ICYMI: Georgia Secretary of State Refuses to Testify Under Oath About Security of State’s Voting Machines






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