WTH?: Biden Halts Oil, Gas Leases As Gas Prices Skyrocket…Does Not Sanction Russian Oil and Gas

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I guess The Big Guy is hoping for another $3.5 million or more for Hunter from Russia. He is giving them free rein to sell their oil and gas at inflated prices while he cripples the family budget in this country. If you believe for one moment that Biden is working for Americans, your dementia is further along than his is.

He turned over secret intelligence to China, who in turn gave it to Russia. He had to know that would happen after the 2 countries signed a treaty to share and share-alike. Coincidentally, both countries gave millions to Hunter. Maybe if we taxpayers would send Hunter five or ten million, Joe would do something for us, but I wouldn’t bet any money on it.

Since taking office, Biden has done favors for Iran, China, Russia, illegal aliens, but has given us nothing but high inflation and gas prices. Here in South Carolina gasoline is over a dollar a gallon more than when he took office. He robbed us of our energy independence and forced us to buy oil from Russia. 844,000 barrels in may alone. He stopped the Keystone Pipeline that was set to deliver 830,000 barrels a month or about what we have to buy from Russia.

At the same time, he lifted the sanctions against the Russian pipeline, Nord Stream 2. And the Democrats all back him. If the midterm elections are not a landslide for the Republicans, this country is lost. And not only do we have to drive Democrats from office, but we must do away with the many RINOs. We need people who vote for Americans.

From The Daily Wire

As gas prices skyrocket, the Biden administration announced this week that they’re indefinitely delaying new oil and gas drilling on federal land and other energy-related actions following a federal court ruling that blocks the administration from using their steep “social cost of carbon” estimate.

U.S. District Judge James Cain of the Western District of Louisiana “blocked federal agencies from using an estimate known as the ‘social cost of carbon’ to assess pollution from carbon emissions by energy production and other industrial sources,” MarketWatch explained. “The decision blocked the Biden administration from using a higher estimate for the damage that each additional ton of greenhouse gas pollution causes society.”

“President Joe Biden on his first day in office restored the climate cost estimate to about $51 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions, after President Donald Trump had reduced the figure to $7 or less per ton,” the report noted. “Trump’s estimate included only damages felt in the U.S. versus the global harm previously used by President Barack Obama.”




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