Bryan Cranston, the lead star in the television show ‘Breaking Bad’ pandered to the woke-left while promoting his new project ‘Power of Sail’.“I’m 65 years old now, and I need to learn, I need to change,” he said. The actor went on a self-loathing rant while speaking with LA Times.
Cranston hasn’t come very far from the ‘meth-dealing teacher that he played in Breaking Bad. In the new project, he plays a Harvard professor who invites a white nationalist and Holocaust denier to his annual symposium, prompting blowback from the student body and other academics.
A roll that no one made him take…
“It is a privileged viewpoint to be able to look at the Ku Klux Klan and laugh at them and belittle them for their broken and hateful ideology,” says Cranston. “But the Ku Klux Klan and Charlottesville and white supremacists — that’s still happening and it’s not funny. It’s not funny to any group that is marginalized by these groups’ hatred, and it really taught me something.”
Cranston says he had been laughing at the play for decades and he had to confront the fact that his white privilege allowed him to laugh.
“And I realized, ‘Oh my God, if there’s one, there’s two, and if there’s two, there are 20 blind spots that I have … what else am I blind to?” Cranston says. “If we’re taking up space with a very palatable play from the 1980s where rich old white people can laugh at white supremacists and say, ‘Shame on you,’ and have a good night in the theater, things need to change, I need to change.”
Cranston made himself a bit of a laughingstock in 2020 when he popped up out of nowhere taking a political jab at Trump and his supporters. His career, at that time, had been at a lull so it’s easy to see why we want to continue to pander. It’s keeping the lights on, if only just.
He tweeted, “I’ve stopped worrying about the president’s sanity. He’s not sane. And the realization of his illness doesn’t fill me with anger, but with profound sadness. What I now worry about is the sanity of anyone who can still support this deeply troubled man to lead our country.”