Delta Force Operator Gives The Media Basic Training On Navy SEAL’s Death They’re Blaming President Trump For

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Last week, Navy SEAL Ryan “William” Owens was killed in action during a raid on Al-Qaeda in Yemen. The media, as it does so well, twisted it in a way to make Trump look like he was responsible for the death of the beloved SEAL. Some of the titles from the leftist journalists are pretty pathetic. So pathetic, in fact, one man is angry enough to make it his own personal mission to tell America what REALLY happened.

Independent Journal Review spoke with someone who wholly understands what it’s like to fight terrorists: Delta Force Operator, Green Beret, and Master Sergeant Dale Comstock.

Listen as he lays into those who are trying to blame Trump for Owens’s death:


Following the news, many media outlets threw some blame at President Donald Trump.

Cosmopolitan’s headline:


Huffington Post’s headline:

Huffington Post/Screenshot

Salon’s headline:

Comstock said:

“Much of the media has no f****** clue what they’re talking about.

I’ve been to over seventy countries in the world as a soldier, security consultant, and civilian. I’ve been to every country in the Middle East. Yemen is one of the most dangerous countries on the planet. Syria isn’t the most dangerous country in the Middle East, Yemen is.

Most roads in Yemen have manned checkpoints. There are terrorist groups at every checkpoint. There is Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the Houthis — who are funded by Iran. The streets aren’t safe.

If you have a white face on the streets of Yemen, it’s a death sentence. There is a very high chance that you will get captured and killed.”

Comstock painted a picture of just hard it can be to conduct operations in Yemen:

“The Emirati army occupies the airport. But the checkpoints into the airport are manned by one of the jihadists groups, all three of which think killing Americans is a sacred duty.

You can’t move on foot. You can’t move on the roads. If you do, you’ll end up in a firefight that could cost you and your team your lives.

The terrorists have protected themselves and secured themselves, too. They have IEDs surrounding their bases. They have tripwires.  They run surveillance and counter surveillance. In some ways, they operate like a military without a state behind them. They’ve learned a lot of lessons from Iraq, and because of that, they are much more deadly than before.

Because of the extremely dangerous conditions, it’s not an easy place for a Navy SEAL or any other operator to do their job. The situation on the ground is a lot like Somalia was.

If an American soldier was spotted, people would jump at the chance to kill them and parade their body in front of everyone.”

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