ABC Claims WH ‘Firing Back’ At Republicans With ‘Hypocrisy’

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The Biden administration is playing politics and using hypocrisy to hide the truth from the American people.

On Tuesday, ABC’s Good Morning America was the only major news outlet to tow the line for the Biden administration, repeatedly touting their “firing back” at Republicans and requests from the regime while painting Donald Trump in a negative light.

Senior White House Correspondent Mary Bruce reported that while “the pressure on President Biden is only growing,” his team was “firing back accusing Republicans on the Hill of hypocrisy.”

But is this really the case?

Bruce bragged that Joe Biden’s lawyers say they are cooperating fully with requests from the House Republicans. This is in stark contrast to Donald Trump, who refused to turn in over a hundred pages of classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago for a year.

I don’t know if I would call holding on to top-secret documents for the better part of a decade “cooperating”. What about them knowing about the documents ahead of the midterms but not releasing the information until now?

Bruce also used former Homeland Security official John Cohen’s excuses that “details of security investigations are not disclosed” to protect national security. But this doesn’t answer the question of why the Biden administration should be allowed to operate in further secrecy than the Trump administration.

CBS Morning and NBC’s Today also continued to push the story, with CBS Saturday Morning co-host Michelle Miller exclaiming that “pressure builds on President Biden over the scandal involving documents marked classified”.

Adriana Diaz reported that “House Republicans want answers”, but Mike Morrell, a former CIA official and CBS News contributor, sang a slightly different tune regarding Donald Trump’s documents.

The Biden administration is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people. Despite their attempts to use “transparency” as a shield, it’s clear that the Biden team is hiding something from the public.


The American people deserve to know the truth. If they want to show the US real unity they would at least hold Biden to the same fire that they currently have Trump over.




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