Greg Gutfeld slammed White House Press Secretary Katrine Jean-Pierre after she shouted down reporters for asking Dr. Anthony Fauci to answer questions about Covid.
Fauci is cutting out before Republicans take over the House in January and reporters were given the illusion that they would be allowed to ask the pandemic doctor questions one last time. Here’s how that went:
REPORTER: What have you done to investigate the origins of COVID?
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: Hold on one second. We have a process here. I’m not calling out on people who yell. And you’re being, you’re being, you’re being disrespectful to your colleagues, and you’re being disrespectful to our guest. I will not call on you if you yell. And also, you’re taking time off the clock because Dr. Fauci has to leave in a couple of minutes, and I’m done, I’m not getting into a back-and-forth with you. Go ahead, Jeremy.
Eventually, other reporters jumped in an KJP snapped shouting “I’m done with you!”
After giving thanks for the holidays Gutfeld transitioned into his rant about KJP, “Good to know. But we should all be thankful for our successes and most importantly, the failure of others. Me? I’d like to give thanks for Anthony Fauci for at least making Jesse Watters seem humble. God-willing, the spotlight-chasing doctor is retiring, and yesterday at the White House press briefing, he stood on a milk crate and took to the podium one final time, perhaps to tell us to start wearing four masks and be sure to put one on your turkey too. But instead of being Fauci’s swan song, the presser took a nosedive faster than Julie Banderas into a box of wine with a crazy straw.”
Jean-Katrin told White House reporters that they were ‘wasting the doctor’s time’, responding to that comment Gutfeld said, “He’s like an MVP quarterback who decided to drop by and wow the crowd? No, he’s a ——- civil servant, and we pay his salary, which happens to be a small fortune — and he better damn well answer that question at some point. But if you thought Jeremy, whoever he is, was going to get his question in, you’d be sorely mistaken. ”
Later Gutfeld addressed the question KJP was trying to avoid, the origins of COVID saying, “Now we could believe the experts and assume COVID came from a lovely but slightly over-seasoned bat soup at a Chinese wet market. It’s not the cleanest place. They go by the five-second rule if you drop a jar of Ebola on the floor.”
He continued and took a dive at Pelosi, “But really, Nancy Pelosi’s been eating bats for centuries, and she’s fine. Even her eyebrows look like little bats. Hell, for all we know, it could have come from the bathroom in “The View’s” green room. Probably would have been the least toxic thing in the water. The bowl routinely needs gain-of-function from a plunger. I know the janitors — or just maybe it could have been from a lab that does gain-of-function coronavirus research that just happens to be in the city where the outbreak began.”
The press conference was total BS with the Press Secretary handpicking both the questions and the reporters who were allowed to speak but this is the ‘most transparent’ administration? My foot…