Watch: Byron Donalds Schools Chuck Todd On Dems’ Spending Issues: ‘That’s Common Sense Stuff!’

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President Donald Trump recently warned Republican lawmakers, during a CNN interview with former Daily Caller reporter Kaitlan Collins, to push through budget cuts or the U.S. will face a credit default come June 1.

NBC’s Chuck Todd, however, chose to promote President Biden’s liberal views on the issue and discredit the credit default notion by arguing with GOP Florida Rep. Byron Donalds.

During an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press”, the veteran journalist began with a series of questions about the debt ceiling negotiations, including one about what Donald Trump said about the debt ceiling in 2019.

Todd played a clip of Trump saying “I can’t imagine anybody ever even thinking of using the debt ceiling as a negotiating wedge.”

“Do you realize how absurd that sounds?” Todd interjected, before Donalds could finish. This was Todd’s attempt to discredit Trump’s suggestion, likely to protect Biden rather than attempt an honest debate about a serious issue that has the potential to cause our economy to suffer.

Donalds responded by pointing out Trump’s comments about negotiating weren’t meant to be taken literally, as Trump is “always negotiating.”

He then suggested House Republicans’ proposal to return to pre-pandemic spending levels is “common sense stuff” before the two began debating tax policy.

Todd’s primary goal of the interview seemed to be to discredit the GOP and push Biden’s liberal views. He conveniently forgot to mention that, while Trump was in office, debt and deficits were not a problem nor at the current levels.

In addition, Todd was unwilling to acknowledge the benefits that negotiating can provide to the taxpayer and the greater economy, while highlighting the potential risks involved if the debt ceiling is not addressed.

What’s worse, is Todd’s phony attempts to portray Donalds as a partisan or political activist by claiming the suggestion of debt defaulting is “What is good for me is not for thee” rhetoric. It is admirable to fight for what you believe in – and Donalds seems to be doing so – but to have his words twisted to make it seem as though he’s a heartless political operative is absurd.

Rather than conduct a public discourse on such an important issue, Todd and other members of the liberal media selectively choose what information to share in order to fit their liberal agenda. This kind of editing of facts and events could have far-reaching implications, and voters should think twice before blindly believing what they see on television.




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