Watch: Biden’s Odd Comment Stumps Jake Tapper: ‘I Don’t Even Understand’

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It’s been a while since Joe Biden stumbled into the White House. His staff and handlers haven’t mustered the courage to officially announce his plans for his 2024 presidential run. This isn’t because he’s not running—this is because they know that his current standing with the American public is so low, he wouldn’t stand a chance if he announced now.

It’s almost comical—Joe Biden told NBC News at the White House Easter Egg Roll that he plans to run for president, but he’s “not prepared to announce it yet.” CNN’s Jake Tapper was baffled by this statement and asked the obvious: “So he’s running?” Yes, he’s running. But why won’t he announce it?

It’s clear that Joe Biden is trying to avoid a formal announcement for as long as he can, presumably in hopes that his reputation with the public will improve before he begins his campaign. But this isn’t likely to happen. Biden’s first year in office has been marred with one controversy after another, from the chaos at the southern border to the mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He’s been unable to make any real progress on any of his campaign promises—not to mention his lack of understanding of the issues he’s supposed to be tackling.

This lack of progress and Biden’s unpopularity with the public are why he’s so hesitant to announce his 2024 plans. He knows that he doesn’t have a chance of getting reelected if he officially declares his candidacy now.

The reality is, Joe Biden doesn’t have the support or the competence to be the leader of the United States. His inability to make any real progress on his campaign promises and his lack of understanding of the issues he’s supposed to be tackling are clear signs of his incompetence.

It’s no wonder why Biden is scared to announce his plans for the 2024 election. The American public has seen enough of Biden’s incompetence, and they’re not likely to support his reelection bid. Joe Biden isn’t fooling anyone—he knows that he doesn’t have a chance of getting reelected if he officially declares his candidacy now.




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