Vet’s Baby Dead After FBI Raids His His Home For Attending Trump Rally

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The Left and their button men and women in the MSM are trying to use the disaster/tragedy that occurred at the Capitol on the 6th of January as an excuse to round up as many Trump supporters as possible.  Not only are they using it to round up anyone who was there, but they are also intimidating everyone on the right, hoping to force them to submit to the Marxist takeover.

As we have said before we completely condemn the people who broke into the Capitol on the 6th.  We support peaceful civil disobedience, not violence.  Not only because instigating physical violence is wrong, but it is also not effective, just look at how the events of the 6th have been used to demonize everyone to the right of Mao.

In a terrible tragedy, it appears that an over-the-top FBI raid of a harmless, selfless military man of over 20 years’ home has resulted in the death of his and his wife’s baby.

The Gateway Pundit is reporting:

‘The wife of a decorated combat veteran who was inside the Capitol suffered a miscarriage one day after the FBI raided their home.

Christopher Kuehne maintains that he had traveled to the Capitol to protect Trump-supporting civilians from Antifa. Inside the Capitol, he was seen on video cleaning up trash before, he says, he helped to clear people out so police could get control of the situation.’

** Those who wish to help them fight can do so here.

In the early morning of February 11, Kuehne, his pregnant wife Annette, and their four-year-old child were awakened to sirens, cell phone rings, and bursts of colorful lights reflecting through their windows.

“The FBI instructed Chris to come outside immediately. Our 4-year-old was awakened from the chaos. I picked him up and ran downstairs to open the front door. Our house was completely surrounded by armed FBI and law enforcement, armored tactical vehicles, and police vehicles that extended throughout the community. For a second, I didn’t realize that there were about twenty FBI SWAT Team members with semi-automatic rifles pointed at my son and I because I was distracted by the bright red lasers pointed at our faces, chests, and various points on my 4-year-old son and I,” Annette wrote in a statement provided to the Gateway Pundit.

Annette wrote that “there is a bite in the air, snow still on the ground, our 4-year-old is crying and with guns drawn FBI SWAT storm through as I carried my son barefoot in the cold. Hours later, after the FBI left our home, I found myself on the phone calling anyone I could think of for help. Neighbors contacted me to ask if I needed anything, as I was in shock from what just happened. I didn’t realize what else was happening, as if this isn’t enough.”

‘The following day, she went to the hospital because she was feeling a sharp pain in her abdomen and bleeding. It was the baby.’ the Gateway Pundit reported.

“While in the doctor’s office, a nurse comes into the room and tells me that I need to have emergency surgery or I will bleed to death. She then escorts me to the emergency department,” Annette wrote. “I lost the baby.”

“To make matters worse, there was no way I could contact Chris at home to notify him of what was happening. I contacted a neighbor to inform Chris that I would be in immediate emergency surgery. I later found out that when the neighbor told Chris what was happening, he just broke down and cried uncontrollably with no way to go to, help, and comfort me,” she explained.

Her Husband is being charged in the District of Criminals, with ‘Conspiracy; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and Abetting; Obstruction of Law Enforcement During Civil Disorder and Aiding and Abetting; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds and Carrying a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds and Carrying a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon,’ according to The Gateway Pundit.

Kuehne is a decorated combat veteran who is now retired.  Before retiring he earned many medals and awards including, but not limited to, the Purple Heart, a Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and a Navy and Marine Corp Achievement Medal with Valor for actions in combat, according to the Gateway Pundit.  The man has spent over 20 years protecting and serving the citizens of the United States.

Annette, Kuehne’s wife explained that he “was injured in Ramadi, Iraq when an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) exploded just feet away throwing him in the air and then thrusting him to the ground. Consequently, Chris has had numerous back surgeries and surgeries relating to his injuries. He also suffers from chronic PTSD, TBI (often described/referred/or known as the ‘invisible wounds’), and a host of other medical illnesses, injuries, and conditions.”

He is seen in this video taken on January 6th at the Capitol with his back to the camera, picking up trash:

You can read more about their story at The Gateway Pundit: HERE.  or for Those who wish to help them fight can do so here.




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