Ukrainian Nazis Are Causing Problems For The Liberal Media Cabal

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Ukraine, especially its eastern portion, is facing an alarming Nazi problem that corporate media has been attempting to hide from public view for years.

The New York Times was recently forced to admit that Nazi ideologies have taken control of Ukraine’s military and paramilitary forces.

It is impossible to ignore the Swastikas covering Ukrainian gear – making it difficult for the Times to spin this situation in a positive light.

Rather than admitting what has been known since 2014, that questionable elements are running Ukraine, they attempted to falsely claim that these symbols were merely relics from history rather than current beliefs.

Furthermore, The Times even went so far as to suggest photos depicting modern-day usage of these symbols were “misleading” and part of “Putin’s propaganda” in order to cover up their own complicity in concealing the truth about Ukraine’s Nazi ideologies.

To make matters worse, The Times then tried blaming Russian President Vladimir Putin for these revelations and accused him of false claims regarding de-Nazification – conveniently ignoring that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish.

Via Natural News:

Evidence of Nazi symbols on Ukrainian uniforms is just “Putin’s propaganda,” according to the NY Times

The Times is so reluctant to tell the truth about Ukraine’s Nazi ideologies that it has even gone so far in other recent reporting to claim that photos in other news reports depicting the current usage of these symbols in a non-historical context are somehow “misleading.”

“In each photograph,” the Times reported in frustration about the poor optics of modern-day Ukraine in independent media reporting, “Ukrainians in uniforms wore patches featuring symbols that were made notorious by Nazi Germany and have since become part of the iconography of far-right hate groups.”

“The photographs, and their deletions, highlight the Ukrainian military’s complicated relationship with Nazi imagery, a relationship forged under both Soviet and German occupation during World War II,” a Times report continues.

NATO is in on the cover-up as well, having recently deleted images of modern-day Ukrainian military uniform symbols from its social media accounts in an attempt to conceal their Nazi underpinnings.

Back in November, the Times reported, the paper’s reporters participated in a meeting near the front line that was attended by a Ukrainian press officer who was wearing a Totenkopf variation made by a company called R3ICH (pronounced “Reich”). A second press officer who was present at the meeting admitted that other journalists had asked all soldiers in the room to remove such patches before taking any photographs.

In an attempt at damage control, the Times has repeatedly tried to claim that none of these symbols that journalists wanted to hide from readers and viewers are actually affiliated with Nazism. Instead, they are symbols of “Ukrainian sovereignty and pride, not Nazism,” we are told.

It’s clear something must be done about this situation before more innocent lives are lost due to media silence on the matter. More information can be found at Chaos News if readers want further details on events unfolding within Ukraine and how best we can help those affected by this crisis.

NATO itself has in the recent past been forced to delete images on its official social media accounts due to Nazi imagery being present among Ukrainian troops during photo shoots.




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