Trump Makes HUGE Announcement About Running in 2024 (VIDEO)

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This past weekend, and actually a couple of days leading up to the weekend, was the CPAC conference.

President Trump was one of the speakers, in fact, I would say the key speaker at the event. During his speech, many say he gave a strong indication as to whether or not he is going to run for president once again in 2024.

Many people are taking what President Trump said as an indication That he will be running for president once again in 2024. I must admit it does sound that way. He said “We did it twice, and we’ll do it again. We are going to be doing it again a third time. November 2024 they will find out like never before.”

That portion of what he said does make it sound like he’s going to run again and win again otherwise it doesn’t make a lot of sense to say that we did it twice. What would he be referring to as doing something twice if not winning the presidential election? You can’t say that Republicans won the House or the Senate twice because that didn’t happen in 2020. So in my opinion the only logical conclusion to this is that President Trump is announcing that he will be running a third time and winning.

I’m hoping that at this point there are enough people out there who didn’t vote for President Trump or voted for Joe Biden who have realized what a grave mistake they made in doing so. Just earlier today I saw a picture from November 2020 in which the gas prices were $1.68 per gallon. This weekend, I paid around $3.29 per gallon and it’s only been about 15 months since that time.

Gas prices are still expected to increase thanks to the conflict going on between Russia and Ukraine. We may see an average of $4 per gallon before too long. This is what happens when you shut down your ability to be oil independent and have to depend on other countries like Russia and Saudi Arabia for oil. When things like this happen and crap hits the fan, you’re stuck paying out the butt for gas because of the skyrocketing oil prices.

We welcomed President Trump with open arms. Come back to us and save us from the Biden regime.




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