‘The View’ Women Not Happy Over Pelosi’s Departure

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It shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn that the gals on The View are sad to see House Speaker Nancy Pelosi retire. If it were up to them they would keep Pelosi in her seat until she follow Ruth Ginsberg. Host Joy Baher couldn’t help herself and revealed what their next big fear is—Kevin McCarthy. The Republican has his sights on opening multiple investigations and the left doesn’t want that.

Ana Navarro mourned Pelosi’s departure saying, ” I think Nancy Pelosi has given a master class of what it’s like to lead with a very small margin. She had a – She had a squad to her left that gave her all sorts of heartburn for all these years. But she was masterful in managing that and in being the leader.

And I want to give Nancy Pelosi some flowers today because it seems that she’s going to make a very big announcement a little later in the day about what her future is. Looks like she may not stay as House speaker anymore. We’re waiting to hear the announcement.”

She continued to pump up Pelosi adding, “She broke ceilings. She made it possible for little girls. When we were growing up, we never saw a woman holding that gavel, and up there during the state of the unions. She made it possible so our little girls can now see that a woman can hold that job. And she’s done it well and she’s done it while being married. She’s done it while being a grandmother, while being a mother, and while being a representative.”

A very sad Navarro broke was nearly to tears adding, “As a woman, thank you, Nancy Pelosi for breaking that glass ceiling.”

Not to burst her bubble but, Navarro and the other View hacks were so torn up over Roe and still fail to see that Pelosi and her Dem buddies could have codified Roe V Wade when they had a chance.


Transcript provided by NewBusters

JOY BEHAR: So Republicans are officially back in control of the House by a slim margin. Kevin McCarthy is salivating to be the new speaker, and he wasted no time unveiling the GOP agenda. Watch.

[Cuts to video]

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA): It is official. One party Democrat rule in Washington is finished. We have fired Nancy Pelosi. [Transition] We want to know the origins of where COVID began so we never have that happen again. Who funded it? How did it get there? We want to know what happened in the last 60 days of Afghanistan. [Transition] Why did the DOJ go after parents and call them terrorists? How can we have a secretary of Homeland calling that this border is secure when you have more than 2.7 individuals illegally coming across? Or the number of people on the terror watch list coming into America. What do they have planned? Who are they talking to, and why are they here? That’s just the start.

[Cuts back to live]

BEHAR: Doesn’t he have the answers to any of these questions? He’s been there for quite a while, you know? And by the way, you know, you squeaked by, Kevin, because of redistricting. That’s why the Democrats lost the House of Representative[s]: redistricting. So it’s not like this country is thrilled to have you there.

[Laughter and applause]

My question to the panel is, is this a sneak preview of what we can expect for the next two years? Do Republicans have any interest in working with Democrats who actually solve problems or is this just going to be owning the libs yet again?


11:06:19 a.m. Eastern

ANA NAVARRO: And, you know, I think Nancy Pelosi has given a master class of what it’s like to lead with a very small margin. She had a – She had a squad to her left that gave her all sorts of heartburn for all these years. But she was masterful in managing that and in being the leader.

And I want to give Nancy Pelosi some flowers today because it seems that she’s going to make a very big announcement a little later in the day about what her future is. Looks like she may not stay as House speaker anymore. We’re waiting to hear the announcement.

BEHAR: At 12:10 eastern standard time.

NAVARRO: No matter what happens. No matter what she announces, no matter what she decides to say, there is something nobody is ever going to be able to take away from Nancy Pelosi. She is the first woman speaker in U.S. history.


She broke ceilings. She made it possible for little girls. When we were growing up, we never saw a woman holding that gavel, and up there during the state of the unions. She made it possible so our little girls can now see that a woman can hold that job. And she’s done it well and she’s done it while being married. She’s done it while being a grandmother, while being a mother, and while being a representative.

So whatever, you know, some people hate Nancy Pelosi. She’s demonized on the right. Some people love Nancy Pelosi. She’s given some of the best memes in U.S. history as well. I just want to say, forget politics. Forget partisanship. As a woman, thank you, Nancy Pelosi for breaking that glass ceiling.





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