The Left’s Push To Label Election Fraud Allegations the ‘Big Lie’ is the Real Big Lie

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The gaslighting that has taken place since the November 3 election is stunning and evil at the same time.

Numerous bullschtein stories presented as news over the last month and a half have referred to President Donald Trump’s claims of massive, widespread, organized election fraud as “The Big Lie,” which is itself the Big Lie.  Unfortunately, it’s not just leftists and Democrats who are gaslighting Trump supporters over election fraud. The RINOs of the Republican Establishment have even started repeating the false narrative, Liz Cheney, the third highest-ranking GOP member of the House is the leader in spreading the real Big Lie from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party.

According to The Hill Cheney said:

“It’s incumbent upon everybody who takes an oath of office and swears to protect and defend the Constitution that we recognize what happened on Jan. 6, that we commit ourselves that it must never happen again, that we recognize the damage that was done by the president, President Trump, saying that somehow the election was stolen, making those claims for months and summoning the mob and provoking them then in the attack on the Capitol. And also, and very importantly, in refusing, despite multiple requests from people to ask him to stop what was happening to ask him to stop the violence to protect the Capitol to protect the counting of electoral votes — he didn’t do so.”

The frightening irony of what’s going on to people who understand it is that the unprecedented amount of election and voter fraud that took place during and after the 2020 presidential election is the exact same thing Nazi Germany did during World War II.

From Wikipedia:

A big lie (German: große Lüge; often the big lie) is a propaganda technique used for political purpose, defined as “a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the facts, especially when used as a propaganda device by a politician or official body”. The German expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, to describe the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously”. Hitler believed the technique was used by Jews to blame Germany’s loss in World War I on German general Erich Ludendorff, who was a prominent nationalist political leader in the Weimar Republic. Historian Jeffrey Herf says the idea of the original big lie was instrumental in turning sentiment against Jews and bringing about the Holocaust.

The American people have been subjected to the lies from Democrats and the Woke Supremacy including the Fake News media and the censoring tech tyrants of social media, accepting the election results as gospel, not just ignoring any allegations or questions of election fraud, but punishing those who ask any questions, censoring any and all speech about what took place during and after the election, canceling anyone who dares point out the many irregularities, material evidence, and circumstantial evidence and labeling it as a conspiracy theory, misinformation, and now the Big Lie.  Censoring free speech is one of the most unamerican things you can do.

Just the other day I saw a headline pop up in my Twitter feed, “Big Lie? Big Whoop: Many Republicans on Capitol Hill see little reason to bat down Trump’s election lies”  That, and dozens of other like-minded headlines coming from the Left is straight out of the Nazi propaganda playbook by telling a lie so outrageous, so big and repeating it often enough that eventually, people start to believe it’s truthful.

I honestly believe that the Democrats and their sycophants utilize psychological professionals to teach them how average people think and how to be able to gaslight them and the truth of what happened during the election, and I believe they have mastered it and gone beyond simple gaslighting because what they are doing now is worse than simple gaslighting by publishing articles like these that are full of lies so that other leftists can use them and not only throw them in the face of conservatives who know better but also point to the large number of articles saying the exact same thing as if that’s evidence that there was no voter fraud.  They are doing this in an effort to make the rest of the country and the world believe that the conservative Trump supporters are the ones who are lying when they point to hard evidence and testimony from whistleblowers from multiple state legislature hearings about the massive amounts of election fraud they witnessed personally.

And so far it’s not really making much of a dent in the 74 million people who voted for Trump because the evidence is just too great to make us not believe our own lying eyes.  What am I talking about?  When you see the key battleground states during Election Day evening announce almost simultaneously that they were going to stop counting until the morning, something that has never been done before, you start to think that’s odd, why did they do that?  Then, during the night when the people in the vote-counting centers were supposed to have stopped counting ballots until the morning suddenly show huge spikes of votes for Joe Biden show up on the tally boards across the TV screen, just enough to overtake Donald Trump’s lead, in multiple states, by the way, you start to feel shocked that you witnessed it yourself.  At first, you think to yourself that’s not what you just saw.  It’s can’t be.  They said they were stopping the vote count and then votes for Biden skyrocketed during the middle of the night.  They wouldn’t lie, would they?  Of course, they would.  Vote counting centers are at the local level and the local levels are all controlled by Democrats.

We even saw video footage of election fraud taking place in Georgia and we were shown voting machine audits that just did not match up.  We saw in one Michigan county where over 70 precincts were out of balance.  That means in 70 precincts there were more people who voted than people registered to vote.

At first, the lies of the Left and the gaslighting by the Fake News media weren’t effective so the tech tyrants running social media began a full-blown censorship operation where they punished anyone who wanted to talk about what they know took place.

Censorship isn’t anything new to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube.  On Facebook, we would get a strike if we mentioned the non-whistleblower whistleblower’s name during the Ukraine phone call impeachment farce.  We literally had our page taken down temporarily, and there was nothing illegal about mentioning his name or even a violation of Facebook’s rules.

YouTube will delete your videos if they mention any real evidence of election fraud.  They recently deleted a video I uploaded about the use of a drug that doctors are saying cures coronavirus in most cases after one does in under 48 hours saying the video was “misinformation,” even though the video had medical doctors discussing the drug.

We have Dominion and other vote-counting machine companies suing people like MyPillow’s CEO Mike Lindell for speaking out about data evidence of election fraud.

The Left’s Big Lie about election fraud has gotten so bad that many conservative outlets are afraid to engage in the discussion for fear of being deplatformed like the social media site Parler was when Amazon kicked them off of their web services platform.

YouTube channels like the great Right Side Broadcasting are stuck in a situation where they have to conform to the tech tyrant’s demands.  I won’t call them rules or terms of service, because those things are usually enforced on all users, yet we see conservative channels get punished for free speech while liberal channels get away with far worse.

The Left’s Big Lie claiming election fraud is the Big Lie is one of the worst frauds they ever perpetrated on the American people.  At this point, the only way to defeat the bald-faced lies of the Big Lie is to never give up spreading the truth.  We need to create our own social media platforms, but more importantly platforms that don’t have to rely on leftist companies for their survival.  In the meantime, we should continue to let the Left know that we know they are the ones spreading a big lie and that the truth is on our side.




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