Texas AG Calls On State’s ‘Intoxicated’ House Speaker To Resign: ‘Credibility Crisis’

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The recent video of Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan that showed him appearing impaired while on the state House floor has sparked a contentious debate.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton recently called for Phelan to resign following the release of the video.

He wrote, “Texans were dismayed to witness his performance presiding over the Texas House in a state of debilitating intoxication. His conduct has negatively impacted the legislative process and constitutes a failure to live up to his duty to the public.

Texans were relying on the House to pass critical conservative priorities including protecting the integrity of our elections and preventing Chinese spies from controlling Texas land. His failures as Speaker have created a credibility crisis for all Republicans candidates and for our entire party.”

The double standards surrounding politicians’ health and potential Alcohol or Substance Use Disorder have been highlighted by this situation.

It is troubling that when House Speaker Phelan is seen on video slurring his words, politicians and the media are quick to call for his resignation, while similar behavior from former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is consistently deemed acceptable.

This is emblematic of the way in which Democrats’ misdeeds or mistakes are often overlooked. Obviously, Phelan’s conduct was unacceptable and should be addressed—It would just be nice to see that same energy applied across the board.

If we want to prevent this situation from occurring again, we need to hold all politicians to the same standard and show compassion.

It’s unacceptable to remain silent after certain politicians demonstrate signs of alcohol-impaired behavior. And we must acknowledge and support the individuals who need help instead of shunning and marginalizing them.

The Texas House is set to vote on an election bill on Tuesday, one that would have administered state oversight in elections. With the session ending Friday, time is of the essence, and it will become even more difficult if Speaker Phelan remains in power.

The state House must move ahead without Phelan and ensure that the election bill is passed. It is of the utmost importance that the Texas House of Representatives moves past this situation and focuses on getting the election bill passed.




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