Ted Cruz, 8 Others Ask For DOJ Probe Into NY Nursing Home Scandal

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Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and eight other Republican lawmakers on the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee have urged Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) to open an investigation into Governor Andrew Cuomo’s increasingly troublesome nursing some death scandal.

Wednesday night, the GOP lawmakers sent a letter asking Durbin to schedule hearings into the conduct of the Cuomo administration since it has been reported that it intentionally withheld the COVID-19 death numbers from nursing homes after Cuomo forced COVID-19 positive patients into nursing homes with the most vulnerable of our society for this pandemic virus, the elderly.

“The American people deserve to know the extent to which Governor Cuomo and his senior staff violated the civil rights of New York seniors, lied to the Department of Justice about their actions, and violated federal civil and criminal laws in the process,” the lawmakers wrote.

“That so many people needlessly lost their lives because of the failed policies of Governor Cuomo’s administration — an administration that many have lauded over the past year — is tragic and deserves a full investigation and accounting.”

Of course, you just know that Durbin and his cohorts in the party are going to use the Cuomo administration’s lie that they did it because President Donald Trump was pressuring them on Twitter.

The GOP Senators who signed with Cruz were Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), John Cornyn (R-TX), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Chuck Grassley (R-IA),  Josh Hawley (R-MO), Mike Lee (R-UT),  and Thom Tillis (R-NC).

In the letter sent to Durbin, the senators said they expect Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s attorney general nominee, to commit to investigating this growing scandal.

“When Judge Garland testifies before this Committee, we expect him to commit the Department of Justice to fully investigating this cover-up to determine whether any criminal laws were violated and to prosecute any violations,” they wrote.  Not that it will ever happen, because while Democrats make things up against Republicans out of thin air, they rarely ever go after one of their own, and the tyrant governor of New York is most definitely one of their own.

Richard Azzopardi, a spokesman for the governor, slimed on about Cruz’s request, “Every death in this pandemic is a tragedy and shame on the Treason Caucus for exploiting them to distract from fermenting the Capitol insurrection that resulted in the death of a police officer.”

Can you believe that?  This putz (a little cultural appropriation) tried to dilute the scandal by referring to a fake scandal against Senator Cruz where in the wake of the Capitol riot on January 6, the Democrats have tried to accuse Cruz of helping to incite the riot while he was inside the Capitol building doing exactly what the Democrats did for the last three Republican White House victories.  Azzopardi accused Cruz and the other Republicans of doing exactly what he did in the context of his accusation.  The Democrats are sick people.

Last week we reported that a Cuomo top aide, Melissa DeRosa, admitted to a bunch of state Democrats lawmakers that they withheld the COVID-19 nursing home death count over the fear that the numbers would be “used against us” by federal authorities.  Isn’t that called obstruction?  I thought the Democrats really hated obstruction.

This scandal was made public after New York Attorney General Letitia James reported that she discovered that COVID-19 nursing home deaths were 50 percent higher than Cuomo and the administration claimed.

Also on Wednesday Assemblyman Ron Kim (D-Queens) said he received a threatening phone call from Cuomo last week telling the assemblyman that he’d be “destroyed” if he didn’t help contain the situation.  Can you imagine?

Kim said he was “in the middle of bathing my kids,” when Cuomo asked him to write up a statement that would say that DeRosa told state lawmakers that they would comply with federal prosecutors.

Folks, that’s manufacturing false evidence, something the Democrats accused Trump of doing, except unlike the former president, Cuomo allegedly actually did if Kim is telling the truth.

Kim said that during the call Cuomo threatened him saying,  “You have not seen my wrath. I have been biting my tongue for months.”  The assemblyman said Cuomo then told him, “I can tell the whole world what a bad person you are and you will be finished.” Kim said, and concluded that the governor told him, “You will be destroyed.”

This is worse than any of the lies the Democrats made up about Republicans and apparently it’s a real scandal.

Last month, Cruz introduced an amendment to the COVID-19 relief package that called for a Department Of Justice investigation to determine if officials like Cuomo could be criminally or civilly liable for forcing COVID-19 patients into nursing homes.  The senator from Texas shouldn’t hold his breath because there is no way, no how that the Biden DOJ will ever hold Democrats accountable for what they did that ended up killing thousands of seniors.

Cuomo made good on his threats.  During a press conference on Wednesday, the governor attacked both Assemblyman Kim and the New York Post for having the gall to expose the nursing home scandal.

It now appears that fellow Democrats, who put up with Cuomo’s arrogance for way too long during the COVID-19 crisis, are now turning on him.  On Tuesday, nine state Assembly Democrats accused the governor of federal obstruction of justice in a letter that asks that Cuomo’s COVID-19 emergency powers be stripped.  Multiple state Senators asked for the same.

I am admittedly a partisan conservative, but I don’t take too much pleasure watching someone have the world come down on them, but in this case, I think it’s completely justified.  Andrew Cuomo has been an obnoxious and arrogant tyrant who not only botched his handling of the pandemic for New Yorkers and not only tried to blame everyone else for his and his administration’s negligence over the nursing home debacle, but he actually wrote a book about what an awesome job he did as governor handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

But, absolutely nothing will happen on the federal level as we now know that President Biden chose not to discuss the scandal during his White House meeting with the governor on Friday, saying “it was not a focus of their conversation or a topic.”

For those of you reading this who are admitted leftists I want you to do something for me.  I want you to close your eyes, take some deep, slow breaths, and once your mind has been cleared of everything, think to yourself, what if it was Donald Trump.





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