‘Tearing Our Country Apart’: Tulsi Gabbard Goes Nuclear On Fellow Dems

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Former Hawaii Congresswoman and Former Democratic presidential candidate, Tulsi Gabbard has a new take on the party she once represented. The Democrats says her fellow party members are responsible for siring ‘anger and hatred’ while Biden tries to tear ‘our country apart’.

While speaking to Fox News host Neil Cavuto, Gabbards slammed the party for setting Americans up to pay for endless projects while bureaucrats go one unchecked.

“I think that the American people, it’s clear as we saw in Virginia, it’s actually a positive sign that they’re rejecting the kind of divisiveness, racialization of everything in this country, the fomenting of anger and hatred, that unfortunately, we’re seeing coming from so many of my fellow Democrats,” Gabbard said of the recent elections that took place last week. “And I think the Virginia governor’s election was a positive indication of voters taking a stand and letting their voices be heard through the ballot box.”

When asked about a top Democratic strategist saying that Democrats had a “wokeness” problem, Gabbard responded, “It’s true, you know, when you have people in positions of power, who arrogantly believe that they’re not accountable to the people and who treat us like we’re stupid, like they know better, they know best what’s good for us more than we know ourselves and all we got to do is blindly follow along and listen, it’s no wonder that people are rejecting that.”

“If there is no respect for us, as individuals, as Americans coming from our leadership, then how could they expect that we the American people should offer any respect or trust towards them?” Gabbard continued.

When asked if Biden was the same man that she campaigned against during the 2020 elections, Gabbard responded, “You know, I’ve considered Joe Biden a friend for many years and I’ve been disheartened to see the direction that he’s taken in this administration, that is undermining the fundamental principles of our country that is actually tearing our country apart, rather than working to bring us together to find our way forward and have respectful dialogue, even as we may have disagreements or differences on different issues, but come together as Americans treating each other with respect.”


Gabbard joins the growing number of life-long democrats that have turned their backs on the flock and ventured out to think for themselves.




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