What would you do to get out of work? I think most people that want a ‘me day’ would ask for one. At the very worst, I imagine some will call out sick but according to reports a Michigan middle school teacher was arrested for allegedly leaving threatening messages all over the school.
Officials say that the teacher was seen leaving the handwritten threatening message on surveillance footage:
The Detroit Free Press reported that an unidentified female teacher “was placed on administrative leave and arrested Friday after district officials said she placed inappropriate, hand-written notes, including a threat against the school, in teacher work areas.”
The report continued…
“One of the notes appeared to be an attempt at making a false threat in the hope of closing school,” Lakeview Public Schools Superintendent Karl Paulson wrote in a letter to the community. “Based on the facts, information and timeline, the team was confident everyone was safe, and there was no need for initiating any lockdown or other safety protocols.”
Paulson added that he is “extremely” disappointed in the teacher and that the school district takes any “potential disruption” seriously.
Peter Lucido, a Macomb Country prosecutor reportedly said he has questions about the teacher’s motives but noted that the investigation is still ongoing.
“This doesn’t reflect on all teachers; it’s only one teacher — but don’t we have enough problems in schools right now?” Lucido said.
According to Lucido, the teacher could face a whole range of charges.
“Of course, she’s innocent until proven guilty, and all of this will come out in court. But this doesn’t help with everything that’s been going on recently,” he said. “If you’ve got teachers making threats, how safe do you think the parents are going to think that school is?”
They might throw the book at this teacher since the school shooting in Oxford, last week. During that attack, a student killed 4 and wounded several others.