San Francisco Police Are Dressing Up in Chicken Costumes to ‘Fight’ Crime and Social Media Replies Are Savage (VIDEO)

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Some of the most outlandish ideas in America often emerge from San Francisco, and this latest one ranks among the strangest.

According to The San Francisco Chronicle, police officers in the city have begun dressing up in inflatable chicken costumes to catch drivers violating traffic laws.

On Monday, San Francisco police Lt. Jonathan Ozol donned one of these costumes as he awkwardly walked across a crosswalk on Alemany Boulevard.

The goal of this bizarre approach was to ticket drivers who failed to follow state laws requiring them to yield to pedestrians. Unsurprisingly, the department reported that many drivers ignored the giant inflatable chicken in the crosswalk.

Police Captain Amy Hurwitz expressed confidence that this tactic would improve pedestrian safety. “I don’t want them to get run over,” she said. “But the costume is so bright, it’s like, how can you miss it?”

While the effort may seem well-intentioned, many would argue that San Francisco faces more urgent problems than drivers not yielding.

The city has struggled for years with homelessness, rampant drug use, and rising crime, largely due to local officials’ reluctance to enforce basic laws.

As residents and businesses continue to flee the city, those who remain often need a map to avoid stepping in human waste on the streets.

Given the severity of these issues, using taxpayer dollars on inflatable chicken costumes for police officers seems like a misallocation of resources.

Social media users unsurprisingly had some savage thoughts regarding this stunt:




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