It’s no secret that the modern university system is a breeding ground for liberal ideologies. But what Penn State professor Sam Richards is doing takes that to a whole new level.
In December, Richards held a discussion in his sociology class titled “A Conversation on Trans Issues, TERFS, and The Binary”. During the discussion, he encouraged students to “watch gay porn” and to “look in a mirror” and ask if they were “just feeling some things that [they were] just afraid to release”. He also gave advice to the women on how to urinate standing up after telling a story about one of his former transgender students.
Footage of the December lesson was posted on Richards’ YouTube channel but has since been made private. Fox News Digital reported on the incident however and covered Richards’ comments.
“If you’re straight, watch gay or lesbian porn and see how quickly you feel aroused – and how you can’t control that,” he began. He also called out the male students when he said “You’ll realize that, ‘Oh, damn, I could be sexualized by people who are like me.”‘
It’s clear that this professor is trying to push his own agenda onto young, impressionable students. And while the school has maintained its support of Richards, claiming that they need “academic freedom” to facilitate “critical thinking and discussion”, it’s obvious to me that this is wrong.
If this kind of behavior is allowed and even encouraged in a college classroom, then it’s only a matter of time before it trickles down to younger students. We’ve already seen this happening in grade and middle school libraries, with books that are full of filth and explicit content. If there are no repercussions for what Richards is doing, then it looks like this is only going to get worse.
The Democratic Party and the “woke” culture are to blame for this as well. They have pushed an agenda that promotes a dangerous level of identity politics, which encourages people to question their gender and sexuality. They have pushed an agenda that pushes the boundaries of what is “appropriate classroom discussion”, and it’s clear that this is having an effect on our youth.
This is why it’s important to speak up about this kind of behavior. We can’t let it go unchecked. We can’t let it slide. We have to take a stand against this kind of dangerous agenda, and we have to fight for the safety of our children.
There is no place for this kind of behavior in a college classroom. There is no excuse for it.