It’s Offical: President Trump Prepares Executive Order To Deport Illegals Living On Welfare, KILL Anchor Baby Benefits!

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Not only is our President going build a wall, he’s going to make life a living HELL for illegals who continue to leach off of American benefits. This report is by the Washington Post, and being the liberal biased and race baiters that they are, have been tirelessly working to rile up Muslims in America in an effort to resist Trump. Therefore it seems fair to assume they are doing the same with illegals.

BUT, this is Trump’s America now, and he is preparing to sign a major executive order that will DEPORT ALL ILLEGALS reaping the benefits of American Welfare, as well as KILL anchor baby benefits.

THIS IS YUGE, PEOPLE! Check it out:

From: 100%fedup

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, in 2012 approximately 51 percent of all immigrant households collected welfare:  HOW THE USDA Helps Illegal Aliens Get FREE Benefits Paid For By YOU! This is a problem. A lot of American households also collect welfare, and that is a problem as well.

VIA| According to New York magazine, the order would also “bar undocumented immigrants from accessing the child tax credit, even when their children are U.S. citizens,” which would be a huge blow to illegal immigrant families hoping to cash in on their anchor babies.

A liberal newspaper claims it has obtained copies of two of President Donald Trump’s upcoming executive orders that if implemented would once and for all stop immigrants from leeching off the American taxpayer.

Obtained by The Washington Post, the orders would reportedly “deny admission to any alien who is likely to become a public charge” and set up standards for “determining whether an alien is deportable … for having become a public charge within five years of entry.”

The underlying goal would be to make the U.S. immigration system more “merit-based,” so those with the potential to contribute to the country would be welcome, whereas those more likely to be a burden to the American taxpayer would be kept out.

The simple fact is that as a sovereign nation, the United States reserves the right to demand the very best from anyone who aspires to live here. It is a fact that the U.S. actually has much more lenient immigration policies than a large number of Western countries that liberals profess to admire. Try immigrating to Canada or Western Europe if you don’t believe it.

If an immigrant works hard, obtains citizenship and leads a good life but is later laid off and needs to collect welfare for a bit, that’s one thing. But when someone immigrates here and then immediately boards the welfare train, that is another — and it’s a problem that President Trump hopes to finally resolve.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, in 2012 approximately 51 percent of all immigrant households collected welfare. This is a problem. A lot of American households also collect welfare, and that is a problem as well.

But why then would the American people want to exacerbate the problem by adding more people to the dole?

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