If ever there were a ‘what the hell’ moment for the new streaming service “Peacock”, here it is. The service launched their new Ladykiller series by airing a no-name pregnant comedian who’s apparently contemplating getting an abortion while she still can. Comedian Jena Friedman isn’t just a little pregnant—She was on stage sporting her late-term belly and making jokes that her children’s children will see someday.
“I feel guilty, not getting an abortion when I still had the chance.”
“Sorry,” she added while turning to expose her very pregnant belly and then continuing “while we still had the chance.” Her sarcasm on that last “joke” was deafening.
The audience erupted into laughter at her insistence that there was a “we” due to the fact that she was pregnant. I presume they’re all in support of dehumanizing unborn children in order to justify their radical pro-death views.
“It feels like I’m passing up free tickets to the Rolling Stones. They might not be around in a month,” she persisted.
Great, now getting an abortion is equated to snagging tickets to the endangered species that is the Rolling Stones. Glad to know that the life of a child is placed at the same significance as concert tickets.
Friedman doesn’t stop there (remember this is just the 80-second trailer and I presume much, much worse things are said in the actual series).
“For 50 years, both abortions and Mick Jagger have been servicing women,” she went on. She added, ‘OK that one was low-key funny but only because abortions and Mick Jagger are both horrible dis-services to women.”
Her last line (for now) pressed on the “pro-choice” narrative:
The segment ended with her stating, “I know abortion is a sensitive topic and if anything I say makes you uncomfortable, feel free to leave. I would never dare force you to do anything against your will.”
I have no idea what the rest of her set looked like or even if she ever eventually told a joke. It’s not something I think I’d bother watching beyond this trailer.