Trump Takes A MASSIVE Stand For The LGBTQ Community, Libs Can’t Believe Their Ears

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Typical lefties. Following their peers without doing any research for themselves. Libs have been taking to the streets claiming that Trump is a fascist who is going to take all rights away from gays and M*slims and white supremacy is now going to take over the world and life as we know it is OVER!!

Well, the White House has released a statement running 180 degrees contrary to what the radical left crazies in the streets have been screaming. You’re going to want to see this!

VIA| Ever since he won the GOP nomination, LBGTQ protesters have been burning up the internet, rioting, protesting, starting fights and assaulting otherwise peaceful citizens as they march in the streets in protest of Donald Trump. Since the spring of last year, they’ve been outside his rallies, waving signs and banners and haven’t stopped to this day.

Asked what they’re afraid of, what they’re protesting or just exactly what the big deal is, the common refrain is something like: “Trump is Hitler! He’s going to roll gay rights back to the Stone Age!! He’s a bigot who’s going to round up all gays, Hispanics, Muslims and anyone else who isn’t a white male and send them,…I,…I dunno,….someplace!  Well screw that!!! We’re here to say NO to fascism!!”

You’ve seen enough of these interviews to know what we’re talking about and despite the fact that few of these people can even tell the interviewer what fascism is, they’ve been out there – rain or shine. Yet as usual, the fanaticism and the reality are worlds apart.

The Washington Examiner is reporting this morning that the White House has released a statement running 180 degrees contrary to what the radical left crazies in the streets have been screaming.

Turns out Trump isn’t bound and determined to roll back the Obama-era LBGT federal protections at all, instead he’s leaving them in place.  Apparently Trump isn’t going to send his Gestapo forces out to find, detain and torture gays.

“President Trump will continue to enforce President Obama‘s 2014 executive order protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination while working as federal contractors, the White House announced Tuesday.

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