Old Maury Tape of Suffering Young Girl Reveals Who Donald Trump’s REALLY Is!

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This right here, is the Donald Trump that the media doesn’t want you to see!

Donald Trump saw the story of a young girl with a rare bone disease on the Maury Povich Show and he decided to take action.

What an incredible change from the last 8 years. Trump has shown evidence of his good heart and done numerous good deeds for random people. It is unheard of that Obama or Hillary or any other president not take a salary and give his plane, money and time to anyone outside their own family…

This story is a true testament of Trumps character.

What a guy!

VIA| Donald Trump saw the story of a young girl with a rare bone disease on the Maury Povich Show and he decided to take action.

Megan suffers from brittle bone disease and was on Maury’s show as the result of a letter her Mom wrote to Maury asking if he could find another girl Megan’s age who suffered from the same affliction to be friends. Maury did. But Donald Trump was also watching. Megan was invited back and look what happened.

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