News Anchor Who Pushed A Conspiracy Theory For 4 Years Claims MSNBC Audience Doesn’t Have Conspiracy Theorists

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In a recent MSNBC broadcast, host Al Velshi claimed that his audience doesn’t have conspiracy theorists, despite the network’s history of pushing the Russia collusion hoax for four years. This declaration was made in front of Nika Jankowicz, who was almost appointed head of the ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ at DHS.

This statement is not only fake news and hypocritical, it shows how far left-leaning media networks will go to deny reality and push their own agenda. It should come as no surprise given MSNBC’s track record, as they have consistently propagated false information in order to promote their liberal ideology.

The Russia collusion hoax has long been debunked and yet MSNBC continues to spin it as if it were still true. They also failed to mention the violent riots that swept through Minneapolis during the summer of 2020 due to BLM/Antifa groups; Velshi himself stood in front of those fires and described them as “mostly a protest” that wasn’t “generally speaking unruly” – an outrageous claim given the carnage that followed.

It appears that MSNBC is more interested in promoting left-wing narratives than providing accurate news coverage. Their viewers are being fed lies on a daily basis, with no regard for truth or objectivity. The fact that Velshi is now denying there are any conspiracy theorists among his audience makes this all the more concerning, such blatant disregard for facts should not be tolerated from the former news network.

NewsBusters reports:

MSNBC Host Claims ‘My Audience Doesn’t Have Conspiracy Theorists’

MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, best known for standing in front of a burning building and saying nothing “unruly” was going on, used his Saturday show to proclaim that his audience, unlike Fox’s, does not conspiracy theorists in it.

Speaking to Nika Jankowicz, formerly of DHS’s infamous Disinformation Governance Board, Velshi recounted, “I just did that intro to the segment, right? So that my audience would understand this conspiracy theory that I guarantee you, pretty much nobody in my audience knew that story because why would they?”

Velshi was referring to Ray Epps, who recently sued Fox News for claims that he was an FBI agent who encouraged the rob to storm The Capitol on January 6. Velshi claimed he is not like that. Instead, viewers tune in to his show for egghead takes about economics, “Two segments ago I talked about red states and Bidenomics, again I’m not– my audience doesn’t have conspiracy theorists in, right?”

See the video below:




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