Military Purge Continues: Unvaccinated Under New Threats From The Pentagon

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Is anyone else infuriated that the Biden administration seems hellbent on waging a war against the unvaccinated US military members while the threat of actual war looms? Right now China poses a massive threat to the US and tensions between the US and Russia are climbing because of disputes over Ukraine. Why, now, would the Pentagon demand absolute vaccination from the National Gaurd or have members face punishment?

A Biden appointee, Llyod Austin was given the position of Defense Secretary back in January of 2021 and he’s made a mockery of that position since. In a new memo, Austin demanded absolute obedience under the threat of lost pay and drill exclusion.

Military Times shared a copy of this memo which explains that unvaccinated members cannot participate in training but are also not excused from participating:

“No credit or excused absence shall be afforded to members who do not participate in drills, training, or other duty due to failure to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19,” Austin wrote in a memo to military service secretaries and other leaders.

Austin’s memo clarifies his position that the Defense Department can enforce the vaccine mandate even while troops are on duty with their states:

“All members of the National Guard must be fully vaccinated in order to participate in drills training and other duty conducted under Title 32, U.S. Code,” Austin wrote.

The reference describes the law wherein a state governor is authorized by the president to activate the National Guard within his or her state. Troops under Title 32 orders serve on active duty under state control, but with pay and benefits provided by the federal government.

“No DoD funding may be allocated for payment of duties performed under Title 32 for members of the National Guard who did not comply with vaccination requirements,” Austin wrote.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is still not allowing exemptions from the vaccine for people with natural immunity. Even those who test to have natural antibodies against the virus.




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